MuseScore 中文版 打谱音乐软件由大眼仔旭(发布。简谱打谱软件 MuseScore 中文版是一款类似于 Finale、Sibelius 的五线谱打谱软件,它具有非常专业的打谱功能,可以跨平台运行,非常适合音乐创作者使用。MuseScore 简谱打谱软件是一套支持中文的免费作曲写乐谱工具。除了可在Windows、Linux、 MacOS 等作业系统来执行,还可以透过 MuseScore 的协助,让你谱出属于你的五线谱,更可以输出包含 PDF、PNG 及 MIDI 等多种档案格式,让你轻轻松松就可以制作与列印出漂亮美观的五线谱。

线谱打谱软件 MuseScore 中文版
MuseScore 支持绝大部分常见记谱法规定的符号,包括音符、休止符、歌词、和弦、连音线、装饰音符号、表情记号、各种谱号、全部的拍号、全部的调号、反复记号等等。具有制作大型乐队总谱的能力,常见的吉它谱、钢琴谱完全不在话下。
还有一点,如果需要与他人共享音乐,您可以导入和导出 MusicXML、标准 MIDI 文件以及 Band-in-a-Box 格式的文件。它也支持 LilyPond。完成创作后,您可以以 SVG、 PDF 或 PNG 格式打印活页乐谱。如果您需要和朋友分享,MuseScore 可以帮您制作外观更专业的活页乐谱。
由于简单易学、拥有学生们喜欢的功能,MuseScore 在教师中非常流行。对业余爱好者,它会使用黄色标记超出范围的音符;而对于专业音乐家,则将使用红色标记。它提供自动的音符头部定位、不限次数的时间和音阶改变、连音符编辑和无限的歌词。MuseScore 还具有混音器、段落抽取和装饰音等功能。

线谱打谱软件 MuseScore 中文版
MuseScore 打谱软件特点:
4.可用滑鼠、键盘或MIDI键盘输入音符, 又容易又快
5.包含有MIDI音序器(sequencer)以及软体的音乐合成器(software synthesiser)FluidSynth
What’s new in MuseScore 3.6.2
February 8, 2021
Fixed an issue with gap between staff and final barline with courtesy clef
Fixed an issue when removing spanners from measures outside of the rewrite range
Fixed an accessibility issue with the score migration dialog
Fixed a crash related to QtWebEngineProcess after update
Fixed an issue with timeline showing part name rather than instrument name
Fixed an issue with focus of dockable windows when visibility is toggled
Fixed an issue where custom gliss text reverts to default “gliss”
Added missing Flügelhorns to instrument ordering definitions
Fixed an issue where beams cannot be connected over quarter rests
Fixed an issue where staff spacers do not work on last system of page
Fixed an issue with broken swapping of notes/chords with Shift + Left/Right
Fixed an issue with incomplete import from ScoreScan XML file
Fixed an issue with unsaved default settings to pre-3.6 score after ‘reset styles to default’
Fixed an issue with Banjo fifth string fret numbers
Fixed an issue where invisible breath marks impact layout
Fixed a crash during the opening of a score with a missing section break
Applying tremolo is now a toggle operation
Fixed an issue where the Mixer panel is not fully shown when opened
Fixed an issue where an empty rehearsal mark is not deleted after entering a system break
Fixed an issue where multi-measure rest numbers can collide with other elements
Fixed an issue where deleting a breath/caesura leads to the wrong note being selected
Fixed an issue when parts inherit non-default style from score
Fixed a crash when changing time signature at the beginning of a corrupted measure
Fixed an issue with unreadable chord symbols
Updated the close icon for Import Midi Panel (and Find/GoTo)
Fixed an issue with auto-sizing of vertical frames when dragging the height handle