LameXP 4.14 发布

LameXP 4.14:

Upgraded build environment to Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 with Update-2

Fixed the location of temporary intermediate files for SoX-based audio effects

Fixed embedding of meta tags with OggEnc2 when reading directly from OGG/FLAC input file

Fixed encoding of non-Stereo sources with NeroAAC, when „HE-AAC v2 (SBR+PS)“ is selected

Fixed a bug that would cause the encoding job to fail, when an audio filter is skipped

Enabled the „built-in“ resampler for QAAC encoder

The „Algorithm Quality“ slider now also affects the QAAC encoder

Added „AVX“ (Advanced Vector Extensions) to CPU feature detection code

Updated Opus encoder/decoder libraries to v1.2-alpha and Opus-Tools to v0.1.9 (2016-11-04)

Updated LAME encoder to v3.100 Alpha-2 (2016-01-29), compiled with ICL 15.0 and MSVC 12.0

Updated FLAC encoder/decoder to v1.3.1 (2016-10-04), compiled with ICL 17.0 and MSVC 12.0

Updated MediaInfo to v0.7.90 (2016-10-31), compiled with ICL 17.0 and MSVC 12.0

Updated mpg123 decoder to v1.23.8 (2016-09-27), compiled with GCC 6.2.0

Updated ALAC decoder to refalac v1.61 (2016-10-02)

Updated WavPack decoder to v4.80.0 (2016-03-28), compiled with ICL 15.0 and MSVC 12.0

Updated GnuPG to v1.4.21 (2016-08-17), compiled with GCC 6.1.0

Updated QAAC add-in to the to QAAC v2.61 (2016-10-02)

Updated FhgAacEnc add-in to „Case“ edition (2015-10-24)

Improved auto-update function (faster Internet connectivity check)



上一篇 2021年8月30日 04:36
下一篇 2021年8月30日 04:37


