Akka(5): ConsistentHashing Router – 可选定Routee的任务分配模式详解编程语言


import akka.actor._ 
val currencies = List("RMB","USD","EUR","JPY","GBP","DEM","HKD","FRF","CHF") 
object MoneyCounter { 
  sealed trait Counting 
  case class OneHand(cur: String, amt: Double) extends Counting 
  case class ReportTotal(cur: String) extends Counting 
class MoneyCounter extends Actor with ActorLogging { 
  import MoneyCounter._ 
  var currency: String = "RMB" 
  var amount: Double = 0 
  override def receive: Receive = { 
    case OneHand(cur,amt) =>  
      currency = cur 
      amount += amt 
      log.info(s"${self.path.name} received one hand of $amt$cur") 
    case ReportTotal(_) =>  
      log.info(s"${self.path.name} has a total of $amount$currency") 



object HashingRouter extends App { 
 import MoneyCounter._ 
  val currencies = List("RMB","USD","EUR","JPY","GBP","DEM","HKD","FRF","CHF") 
  val routerSystem = ActorSystem("routerSystem") 
  def mcHashMapping: PartialFunction[Any,Any] = { 
    case OneHand(cur,_) => cur 
    case ReportTotal(cur) => cur 
  val router = routerSystem.actorOf(ConsistentHashingPool( 
    nrOfInstances = 5,hashMapping = mcHashMapping,virtualNodesFactor = 2) 
  .props(MoneyCounter.props),name = "moneyCounter" ) 
  router ! OneHand("RMB",10.00) 
  router ! OneHand("USD",10.00) 
  router ! OneHand("HKD",10.00) 
  router ! OneHand("RMB",10.00) 
  router ! OneHand("CHF",10.00) 
  router ! ReportTotal("RMB") 
  router ! ReportTotal("USD") 


INFO] [06/05/2017 15:20:09.334] [routerSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [akka://routerSystem/user/moneyCounter/$e] $e received one hand of 10.0RMB 
[INFO] [06/05/2017 15:20:09.334] [routerSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3] [akka://routerSystem/user/moneyCounter/$b] $b received one hand of 10.0USD 
[INFO] [06/05/2017 15:20:09.334] [routerSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-7] [akka://routerSystem/user/moneyCounter/$d] $d received one hand of 10.0CHF 
[INFO] [06/05/2017 15:20:09.334] [routerSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2] [akka://routerSystem/user/moneyCounter/$a] $a received one hand of 10.0HKD 
[INFO] [06/05/2017 15:20:09.334] [routerSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [akka://routerSystem/user/moneyCounter/$e] $e received one hand of 10.0RMB 
[INFO] [06/05/2017 15:20:09.337] [routerSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-2] [akka://routerSystem/user/moneyCounter/$b] $b has a total of 10.0USD 
[INFO] [06/05/2017 15:20:09.337] [routerSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [akka://routerSystem/user/moneyCounter/$e] $e has a total of 20.0RMB


2、可以让消息继承ConsistentHashable,如此我们要在消息里实现函数constentHashKey, 如下:

object MoneyCounter { 
  sealed class Counting(cur: String) extends ConsistentHashable { 
    override def consistentHashKey: Any = cur 
  case class OneHand(cur: String, amt: Double) extends Counting(cur) 
  case class ReportTotal(cur: String) extends Counting(cur) 
  def props = Props(new MoneyCounter) 


  val router = routerSystem.actorOf(ConsistentHashingPool( 
    nrOfInstances = 5, virtualNodesFactor = 2).props( 
    MoneyCounter.props),name = "moneyCounter") 
  router ! OneHand("RMB",10.00) 
  router ! OneHand("USD",10.00) 
  router ! OneHand("HKD",10.00) 
  router ! OneHand("RMB",10.00) 
  router ! OneHand("CHF",10.00) 
  router ! ReportTotal("RMB") 
  router ! ReportTotal("USD")


[INFO] [06/05/2017 15:36:29.746] [routerSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-7] [akka://routerSystem/user/moneyCounter/$e] $e received one hand of 10.0RMB 
[INFO] [06/05/2017 15:36:29.746] [routerSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5] [akka://routerSystem/user/moneyCounter/$b] $b received one hand of 10.0USD 
[INFO] [06/05/2017 15:36:29.746] [routerSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] [akka://routerSystem/user/moneyCounter/$a] $a received one hand of 10.0HKD 
[INFO] [06/05/2017 15:36:29.746] [routerSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4] [akka://routerSystem/user/moneyCounter/$d] $d received one hand of 10.0CHF 
[INFO] [06/05/2017 15:36:29.746] [routerSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-7] [akka://routerSystem/user/moneyCounter/$e] $e received one hand of 10.0RMB 
[INFO] [06/05/2017 15:36:29.749] [routerSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-7] [akka://routerSystem/user/moneyCounter/$e] $e has a total of 20.0RMB 
[INFO] [06/05/2017 15:36:29.749] [routerSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4] [akka://routerSystem/user/moneyCounter/$b] $b has a total of 10.0USD


  router ! ConsistentHashableEnvelope(message = OneHand("RMB",23.00),hashKey = "RMB")



import akka.actor._ 
import akka.routing.ConsistentHashingRouter.{ConsistentHashMapping, ConsistentHashable, ConsistentHashableEnvelope} 
import akka.routing._ 
object MoneyCounter { 
  sealed class Counting(cur: String) extends ConsistentHashable { 
    override def consistentHashKey: Any = cur 
  case class OneHand(cur: String, amt: Double) extends Counting(cur) 
  case class ReportTotal(cur: String) extends Counting(cur) 
  def props = Props(new MoneyCounter) 
class MoneyCounter extends Actor with ActorLogging { 
  import MoneyCounter._ 
  var currency: String = "RMB" 
  var amount: Double = 0 
  override def receive: Receive = { 
    case OneHand(cur,amt) => 
      currency = cur 
      amount += amt 
      log.info(s"${self.path.name} received one hand of $amt$cur") 
    case ReportTotal(_) => 
      log.info(s"${self.path.name} has a total of $amount$currency") 
object HashingRouter extends App { 
 import MoneyCounter._ 
  import scala.util.Random 
  val currencies = List("RMB","USD","EUR","JPY","GBP","DEM","HKD","FRF","CHF") 
  val routerSystem = ActorSystem("routerSystem") 
  val router = routerSystem.actorOf(ConsistentHashingPool( 
    nrOfInstances = currencies.size+1, virtualNodesFactor = 2).props( 
    MoneyCounter.props),name = "moneyCounter") 
  (1 to 20).toList foreach (_ => router ! OneHand( 
  ,Random.nextInt(100) * 1.00)) 
  currencies foreach (c => router ! ReportTotal(c)) 












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下一篇 2021年7月19日 14:59


