Step By Step Procedure To Install CBL-Mariner On VMWare – Microsoft's Linux Distribution!

If you think Microsoft is planning to enter the Linux landscape with the release of CBL-Mariner. You might not be right. Microsoft has released CBL-Mariner for its cloud infrastructure as part of an open-source initiative. Well, this is not the first initiative project by Microsoft. It has contributed its investments in developing various Linux-based technologies, such as SONiCAzure Sphere OS, and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Well, if you want to dirt your hands on this Linux, you can. We are going to show you how to install the CBL-Mariner on the VMWare workstation in this post. For your info, Microsoft didn’t release either ISO or VM images for users. However, we have shared the procedure to build a CBL-Mariner ISO Image and shared the created ISO image for download.

What Is CBL-Mariner?

Let’s clear the concept, CBL-Mariner is an open-source internal Linux distribution developed for Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure and edge products and services. It is not the OS developed for end-users like Ubuntu, Debian, and Mint Linux distributions. It is designed to provide a consistent platform for cloud services. Visit this git page to read more about CBL-Mariner.

How To Build CBL-Mariner ISO image?

As we said earlier, Microsoft didn’t release installable images like its ISO, VHDX, or VMDK for CBL-Mariner users. The reason could be because Microsoft wants developers to build their own custom images according to their needs. However, we have shared the pre-built standard ISO file to save your time and also show you how to build ISO images on your own in a separate post. Please read this if you want to know how to build a CBL-Mariner ISO image on your own.

Step by Step Procedure to Build a CBL-Mariner ISO Image!

Download CBL-Mariner ISO file:

How To Install CBL-Mariner On VMWare?

Now, let’s see how to install CBL-Mariner on VMWare in this post.

Time needed: 10 minutes.

how to install CBL-Mariner on VMWare?

  1. Create a New Virtual Machine on VMWare Workstation

    Go to File -> New Virtual Machine.
    Select Custom installation wizard then click Next.

    New Virtual Machine

  2. Select Hardware Compatibility

    Select Workstation 16x, click Next.

    Select Hardware Compatibility

  3. Select the CBL-Mariner ISO image

    Browse the CBL-Mariner ISO image. Click Next.

    Select the CBL-Mariner ISO image

  4. Select Operating System Version

    Select Linux 64 and Other Linux 64 bit as shone here. Click Next.

    Select Operating System Version

  5. Name and Location of the VM

    Name your VM and select the location to store the VM. Click Next.

    Name and Location of the VM

  6. Assign the processer for the VM

    Assign the processer for the VM

  7. Assign the memory

    Assign the memory

  8. Select the Network adopter settings for the VM

    Select the desired net work adopter settings. Click Next. We have selected Bridged Networking for demonstration.

    Select the Network adopter settings for the VM

  9. Select IO Controller Type

    Select IO Controller Type

  10. Select Disk Type

    Select Disk Type

  11. Create Virtual Disk for CBL-Mariner

    Create Virtual Disk for CBL-Mariner

  12. Allocate Disk Size for CBL-Mariner

    Allocate Disk Size for CBL-Mariner

  13. Finish the VM configuration

    Click Finish to complete the VM configurations.

    Finish the VM configuration

  14. Power on CBL-Mariner

    Power on CBL-Mariner

  15. Booting CBL-Mariner for the first time

    You will see three option to install CBL-Mariner. Chose the one you want to install. We recommend to select Graphical Installer if you are new to the Linux.

    Booting CBL-Mariner

  16. GUI Installation Welcome Window

    You will be greeted with this Welcome window when you boot for the first time. You will have two installation type out there. Full and Core. Chose the one which you think better. Click Next.

    GUI Install Welcome Window

  17. Partition Configuration of CBL-Mariner

    You can decide how you want to partition the installation disk. First option will erase complete disk and system will partition the file system for you. Second option will allow you to allocate the space for each partition based on your need.

    Partition Configuration of CBL-Mariner

  18. Enter Hostname, Username, and Password in the System Configuration window

    Click Install.

    System Configuration Window

  19. Install CBL-Mariner on VMWare

    Click Install Now.

    Install CBL-Mariner on VMWare

  20. Installation in Progress

    Install CBL-Mariner on VMWare

  21. Completion of CBL-Mariner Installation

    Click Done.

    Completion of Installation

  22. First Log in

    System will reboot the OS and ask to log in. Use the account credentials used in System Configuration.

    Login to CBL-Marnier

  23. Working on CBL-Mariner

    Run this command to update the system:
    $ sudo tdnf update

    Command to upgrade CBL-Mariner
    $ sudo tdnf upgrade

    Command to install package:
    $ sudo tdnf install <package name>

    Working on CBL-Mariner

This is how you should install the CBL-Mariner on VMWare workstation. You can download the ISO image and install it on VM Horizon, Virtual Box, or any virtual platform.

Thanks for reading the tutorial. Please visit our site to see more such interesting tutorials.


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