二 :创建topic javaAPI实现
public class KafkaTopicBean { // topic name private String topic; // partition num private Integer partition; // replication num private Integer replication; private String descrbe; // 操作类型 private Integer operationType; public Integer getOperationType() { return operationType; } public void setOperationType(Integer operationType) { this.operationType = operationType; } public String getTopic() { return topic; } public void setTopic(String topic) { this.topic = topic; } public Integer getPartition() { return partition; } public void setPartition(Integer partition) { this.partition = partition; } public Integer getReplication() { return replication; } public void setReplication(Integer replication) { this.replication = replication; } public String getDescrbe() { return descrbe; } public void setDescrbe(String descrbe) { this.descrbe = descrbe; } @Override public String toString() { return "KafkaTopicBean [topic=" + topic + ", partition=" + partition + ", replication=" + replication + ", descrbe=" + descrbe + ", operationType=" + operationType + "]"; } }
public static void createKafaTopic() { ZkUtils zkUtils = ZkUtils.apply( ",", 30000, 30000, JaasUtils.isZkSecurityEnabled()); Properties conf = new Properties(); AdminUtils.createTopic(zkUtils, bean.getTopic(), bean.getPartition(), bean.getReplication(), new Properties(), new RackAwareMode.Enforced$()); }
2: 实现kafka删除topic
private static ResultDTO deleteTopic(ZkUtils zkUtils2, KafkaTopicBean bean) { ResultDTO DAO = null; boolean isCheck = checkDeleteTopic(bean); if (isCheck) { if (Topic.isInternal(bean.getTopic())) { DAO = new ResultDTO( Global_Constant.DTO_ERROR_CODE, "Topic %s is a kafka internal topic and is not allowed to be marked for deletion"); } else { zkUtils.createPersistentPath( zkUtils.getDeleteTopicPath(bean.getTopic()), null, zkUtils.DefaultAcls()); DAO = new ResultDTO(Global_Constant.DTO_SUCCESS_CODE, "success in delete topic"); } } else { DAO = new ResultDTO(Global_Constant.DTO_ERROR_CODE, "delete topic but topic name is empty"); } return DAO;
private static boolean checkDeleteTopic(KafkaTopicBean bean) {
if (null == bean.getTopic() || bean.getTopic().isEmpty()
|| "".equals(bean.getTopic().trim())) {
return false;
} else {
Seq<String> topics = zkUtils.getAllTopics();
if (topics.contains(bean.getTopic())) {
return true;
} else {
return false;