Name Mangling in Python

Name Mangling in Python

In this tutorial, we are going to discuss the name mangling process in Python and how we can use the name mangling process in Python with different methods.

Name Mangling

A process in which any given identifier with one trailing underscore and two leading underscores is textually replaced with the __ClassName__Identifier is known as Name mangling. In __ClassName__Identifier name, ClassName is the name of current class where identifier is present.


Basically, above given definition of name mangling means that any identifier in the form such as __Jtp (Either at least two leading underscores or at most one underscore trailing the name) will be replaced by __ClassName__Jtp (the name of the current class will replace ClassName) with the leading underscore (s) striped in ClassName.

Look at the following example to understand the name mangling process.





We have defined a testing class with a name identifier in the class in the above program. Inside the testing class, we have defined two default functions and one with the PrintName().

In the PrintName() function, we have given the print command to print the name. Then, we initialized a t1 variable with the testing class. In last, we have used PrintName() to print the name we used in the Testing class while initializing it.

Note: If we try to access the functions and variables of the Testing class outside the class, it will throw an error. Any changes made to the variable given inside the Testing Class can be done inside the class only.

Example: 2


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/Manish/Downloads/", line 12, in 
    print(t1.__name) # will throw an error in the output
AttributeError: 'Testing' object has no attribute '__name'

Name Mangling in Python

Implementation of the name mangling process in Python is the same as we have discussed above. We will use different methods in our Python program to implement the name mangling process and accessing variables in it.

We will perform the following tasks in this section:

  • Name mangling in Python with dir() method
  • Accessing Name mangled variables in the program
  • Name mangling with method overriding in Python

We will use a program for each method to understand its implementation in Python.

1. Name mangling with dir() method

We can use the dir() method to perform the name mangling process, and it will be done to a class given in the code. The Python interpreter will do the process of name mangling to the class. We can use the dir() method by passing the defined class object in it, and the dir() method will return all the valid attributes belonging to the given class object.

Look at the following exemplar program to understand this dir() method of name mangling:



['_Testing__name', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__']


As we look at the output, we can see that the dir() method we used on the initialized variable, i.e., t1, returned all the valid attributes of the class testing and printed them. We can also see that the name of the identifier, i.e., __name, is changed to _Testing__name by the interpreter.

2. Accessing name mangled variables

We can access the name mangled variables even outside the class and print the in output (Not like accessing the class variable that will return an error). To access the name mangled variables outside the class, we simply have to add _ClassName with the variable, and we can also print the value in the output.

Look at the following program where we have accessed name mangled variables outside the testing class.



The name mangled that we are accessing outside the class:  JavaTpoint


We have been able to access the __name variable outside as it was a name mangled variable, and it returned the name value in the output.

3. Name mangling using method overriding

As we are using the name mangling process in our program, we are limited because of little support for a valid use case of members from a private class. The limited support for the private class member’s valid use case is to avoid name clashes of various names with names defined inside the subclasses. As long as the name mangling process will occur as per the definition of a Python class, the mangling process will be done by the interpreter. And, it is very helpful for the subclasses in the program to let them override methods without even breaking calls of the interclass method.

Let’s understand the following example.



Name mangling process done inside the parent testing class
Name mangling process done inside the child sub-testing class


First, we have learned about the introduction of the Name mangling process in this tutorial. We also learned that how we can use the dir() method for name mangling in Python. Then, we accessed the name mangled variables outside the class in which they are present. In last, we also learn about that how we can use the name mangling process with method overriding in given subclasses in the program.


上一篇 2022年5月30日 19:09
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