How to install Tkinter in Python

How to install Tkinter in Python

Tkinter is a standard library Python that used for GUI application. Tkinter with Python offers a straightforward and fast way to create GUI applications. Tk GUI works on the object-oriented approach which makes it a powerful library. Tkinter is widely available for all operating systems. It is pre-install in the Python. To work with the Tkinter, we must install the Python. In this tutorial, we will learn to install Tkinter.


First, we must ensure that Python is installed or not in our system. If not, visit our tutorial ( install the Python properly.

To create a user-friend GUI application, you should have basic knowledge of Python programming language.

Installing Tkinter in Windows

Tkinter comes with the Python installer. We just need to install Python from, and it comes along with the Python. We don’t need to install it separately. Click on the checkbox of tcl/tk and IDE.

How to install Tkinter in Python

To check the Tkinter, we just need to import it in the text editor or IDE.

Now, we can access its functions to create widget. Let’s understand the following.

Example –


How to install Tkinter in Python

All elements will be taken place in this Tkinter window.


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