如果你的 VS Code 很卡,可以尝试关闭硬件加速,看看有没有变快。步骤如下:
1、打开命令面板 (Mac 快捷键:Cmd + Shift + P,Windows 快捷键:Ctrl + Shift + P)
2、输入 “Preferences: Configure Runtime Arguments”
3、去掉这一行的注释(如果没有就加上去): “disable-hardware-acceleration”: true
// NOTE: Changing this file requires a restart of VS Code.
// Use software rendering instead of hardware accelerated rendering.
// This can help in cases where you see rendering issues in VS Code.
“disable-hardware-acceleration”: true,
// Allows to disable crash reporting.
// Should restart the app if the value is changed.
“enable-crash-reporter”: true,
// Unique id used for correlating crash reports sent from this instance.
// Do not edit this value.
“crash-reporter-id”: “8ba7b9eb-0c2b-41bc-a7e7-de37b84cd9c3”,
“locale”: “zh-cn”