- jdk6.0+:shardbatis使用JDK6.0编译。也可以使用JDK5.0编译
- mybatis3.0+
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE shardingConfig PUBLIC "-//shardbatis.googlecode.com//DTD Shardbatis 2.0//EN" "http://shardbatis.googlecode.com/dtd/shardbatis-config.dtd"> <shardingConfig> <!-- ignoreList可选配置 ignoreList配置的mapperId会被分表参加忽略解析,不会对sql进行修改 --> <ignoreList> <value>com.google.code.shardbatis.test.mapper.AppTestMapper.insertNoShard</value> </ignoreList> <!-- parseList可选配置 如果配置了parseList,只有在parseList范围内并且不再ignoreList内的sql才会被解析和修改 --> <parseList> <value>com.google.code.shardbatis.test.mapper.AppTestMapper.insert</value> </parseList> <!-- 配置分表策略 --> <strategy tableName="APP_TEST" strategyClass="com.google.code.shardbatis.strategy.impl.AppTestShardStrategyImpl"/> </shardingConfig>
<plugins> <plugin interceptor="com.google.code.shardbatis.plugin.ShardPlugin"> <property name="shardingConfig" value="shard_config.xml"/> </plugin> </plugins>
/** * 分表策略接口 * @author sean.he * */ public interface ShardStrategy { /** * 得到实际表名 * @param baseTableName 逻辑表名,一般是没有前缀或者是后缀的表名 * @param params mybatis执行某个statement时使用的参数 * @param mapperId mybatis配置的statement id * @return */ String getTargetTableName(String baseTableName,Object params,String mapperId); }
SqlSession session = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(); try { AppTestMapper mapper = session.getMapper(AppTestMapper.class); mapper.insert(testDO); session.commit(); } finally { session.close(); }
- 2.0版本中insert update delete 语句中的子查询语句中的表不支持sharding(不好意思太拗口了-_-!)
- select语句中如果进行多表关联,请务必为每个表名加上别名 例如原始sql语句:SELECT a. FROM ANTIQUES a,ANTIQUEOWNERS b, mytable c where a.id=b.id and b.id=c.id 经过转换后的结果可能为:SELECT a. FROM ANTIQUES_0 AS a, ANTIQUEOWNERS_1 AS b, mytable_1 AS c WHERE a.id = b.id AND b.id = c.id
- 目前已经支持了大部分的sql语句的解析,已经测试通过的语句可以查看测试用例:
select * from test_table1 select * from test_table1 where col_1='123' select * from test_table1 where col_1='123' and col_2=8 select * from test_table1 where col_1=? select col_1,max(col_2) from test_table1 where col_4='t1' group by col_1 select col_1,col_2,col_3 from test_table1 where col_4='t1' order by col_1 select col_1,col_2,col_3 from test_table1 where id in (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) limit ?,? select a.* from test_table1 a,test_table2 b where a.id=b.id and a.type='xxxx' select a.col_1,a.col_2,a.col_3 from test_table1 a where a.id in (select aid from test_table2 where col_1=1 and col_2=?) order by id desc select col_1,col_2 from test_table1 where type is not null and col_3 is null order by id select count(*),col_1 from test_table2 group by col_1 having count(*)>1 select a.col_1,a.col_2,b.col_1 from test_table1 a,t_table b where a.id=b.id insert into test_table1 (col_1,col_2,col_3,col_4) values (?,?,?,?) SELECT EMPLOYEEIDNO FROM test_table1 WHERE POSITION = 'Manager' AND SALARY > 60000 OR BENEFITS > 12000 SELECT EMPLOYEEIDNO FROM test_table1 WHERE POSITION = 'Manager' AND (SALARY > 50000 OR BENEFIT > 10000) SELECT EMPLOYEEIDNO FROM test_table1 WHERE LASTNAME LIKE 'L%' SELECT DISTINCT SELLERID, OWNERLASTNAME, OWNERFIRSTNAME FROM test_table1, test_table2 WHERE SELLERID = OWNERID ORDER BY OWNERLASTNAME, OWNERFIRSTNAME, OWNERID SELECT OWNERFIRSTNAME, OWNERLASTNAME FROM test_table1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM test_table2 WHERE ITEM = ?) SELECT BUYERID, ITEM FROM test_table1 WHERE PRICE >= ALL (SELECT PRICE FROM test_table2) SELECT BUYERID FROM test_table1 UNION SELECT BUYERID FROM test_table2 SELECT OWNERID, 'is in both Orders & Antiques' FROM test_table1 a, test_table2 b WHERE a.OWNERID = b.BUYERID and a.type in (?,?,?) SELECT DISTINCT SELLERID, OWNERLASTNAME, OWNERFIRSTNAME FROM test_table1, noconvert_table WHERE SELLERID = OWNERID ORDER BY OWNERLASTNAME, OWNERFIRSTNAME, OWNERID SELECT a.* FROM test_table1 a, noconvert_table b WHERE a.SELLERID = b.OWNERID update test_table1 set col_1=123 ,col_2=?,col_3=? where col_4=? update test_table1 set col_1=?,col_2=col_2+1 where id in (?,?,?,?) delete from test_table2 where id in (?,?,?,?,?,?) and col_1 is not null INSERT INTO test_table1 VALUES (21, 01, 'Ottoman', ?,?) INSERT INTO test_table1 (BUYERID, SELLERID, ITEM) VALUES (01, 21, ?)
可能有些sql语句没有出现在测试用例里,但是相信基本上常用的查询sql shardbatis解析都没有问题,因为shardbatis对sql的解析是基于jsqlparser
<!-- 新增远程仓库设置 --> <repository> <id>shardbaits</id> <name>shardbaits repository</name> <url>http://shardbatis.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/repository</url> <snapshots> <enabled>false</enabled> </snapshots> </repository> <!-- 声明依赖 --> <dependency> <groupId>org.shardbatis</groupId> <artifactId>shardbatis</artifactId> <version>2.0.0B</version> </dependency>