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Table of Contents
- I. Spring Boot Documentation
- II. Getting started
- III. Using Spring Boot
- 13. Build systems
- 14. Structuring your code
- 15. Configuration classes
- 16. Auto-configuration
- 17. Spring Beans and dependency injection
- 18. Using the @SpringBootApplication annotation
- 19. Running your application
- 20. Developer tools
- 21. Packaging your application for production
- 22. What to read next
- IV. Spring Boot features
- 23. SpringApplication
- 24. Externalized Configuration
- 25. Profiles
- 26. Logging
- 27. Developing web applications
- 27.1. The ‘Spring Web MVC framework’
- 27.1.1. Spring MVC auto-configuration
- 27.1.2. HttpMessageConverters
- 27.1.3. Custom JSON Serializers and Deserializers
- 27.1.4. MessageCodesResolver
- 27.1.5. Static Content
- 27.1.6. ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer
- 27.1.7. Template engines
- 27.1.8. Error Handling
- 27.1.9. Spring HATEOAS
- 27.1.10. CORS support
- 27.2. JAX-RS and Jersey
- 27.3. Embedded servlet container support
- 28. Security
- 29. Working with SQL databases
- 30. Working with NoSQL technologies
- 31. Caching
- 32. Messaging
- 33. Calling REST services
- 34. Sending email
- 35. Distributed Transactions with JTA
- 36. Hazelcast
- 37. Spring Integration
- 38. Spring Session
- 39. Monitoring and management over JMX
- 40. Testing
- 40.1. Test scope dependencies
- 40.2. Testing Spring applications
- 40.3. Testing Spring Boot applications
- 40.3.1. Detecting test configuration
- 40.3.2. Excluding test configuration
- 40.3.3. Working with random ports
- 40.3.4. Mocking and spying beans
- 40.3.5. Auto-configured tests
- 40.3.6. Auto-configured JSON tests
- 40.3.7. Auto-configured Spring MVC tests
- 40.3.8. Auto-configured Data JPA tests
- 40.3.9. Auto-configured REST clients
- 40.3.10. Auto-configured Spring REST Docs tests
- 40.3.11. Using Spock to test Spring Boot applications
- 40.4. Test utilities
- 41. WebSockets
- 42. Web Services
- 43. Creating your own auto-configuration
- 44. What to read next
- V. Spring Boot Actuator: Production-ready features
- 45. Enabling production-ready features
- 46. Endpoints
- 47. Monitoring and management over HTTP
- 48. Monitoring and management over JMX
- 49. Monitoring and management using a remote shell
- 50. Metrics
- 50.1. System metrics
- 50.2. DataSource metrics
- 50.3. Cache metrics
- 50.4. Tomcat session metrics
- 50.5. Recording your own metrics
- 50.6. Adding your own public metrics
- 50.7. Special features with Java 8
- 50.8. Metric writers, exporters and aggregation
- 50.9. Aggregating metrics from multiple sources
- 50.10. Dropwizard Metrics
- 50.11. Message channel integration
- 51. Auditing
- 52. Tracing
- 53. Process monitoring
- 54. What to read next
- VI. Deploying Spring Boot applications
- VII. Spring Boot CLI
- 59. Installing the CLI
- 60. Using the CLI
- 61. Developing application with the Groovy beans DSL
- 62. Configuring the CLI with settings.xml
- 63. What to read next
- VIII. Build tool plugins
- 64. Spring Boot Maven plugin
- 65. Spring Boot Gradle plugin
- 65.1. Including the plugin
- 65.2. Gradle dependency management
- 65.3. Packaging executable jar and war files
- 65.4. Running a project in-place
- 65.5. Spring Boot plugin configuration
- 65.6. Repackage configuration
- 65.7. Repackage with custom Gradle configuration
- 65.8. Understanding how the Gradle plugin works
- 65.9. Publishing artifacts to a Maven repository using Gradle
- 66. Spring Boot AntLib module
- 67. Supporting other build systems
- 68. What to read next
- IX. ‘How-to’ guides
- 69. Spring Boot application
- 70. Properties & configuration
- 70.1. Automatically expand properties at build time
- 70.2. Externalize the configuration of SpringApplication
- 70.3. Change the location of external properties of an application
- 70.4. Use ‘short’ command line arguments
- 70.5. Use YAML for external properties
- 70.6. Set the active Spring profiles
- 70.7. Change configuration depending on the environment
- 70.8. Discover built-in options for external properties
- 71. Embedded servlet containers
- 71.1. Add a Servlet, Filter or Listener to an application
- 71.2. Change the HTTP port
- 71.3. Use a random unassigned HTTP port
- 71.4. Discover the HTTP port at runtime
- 71.5. Configure SSL
- 71.6. Configure Access Logging
- 71.7. Use behind a front-end proxy server
- 71.8. Configure Tomcat
- 71.9. Enable Multiple Connectors with Tomcat
- 71.10. Use Jetty instead of Tomcat
- 71.11. Configure Jetty
- 71.12. Use Undertow instead of Tomcat
- 71.13. Configure Undertow
- 71.14. Enable Multiple Listeners with Undertow
- 71.15. Use Tomcat 7.x or 8.0
- 71.16. Use Jetty 9.2
- 71.17. Use Jetty 8
- 71.18. Create WebSocket endpoints using @ServerEndpoint
- 71.19. Enable HTTP response compression
- 72. Spring MVC
- 72.1. Write a JSON REST service
- 72.2. Write an XML REST service
- 72.3. Customize the Jackson ObjectMapper
- 72.4. Customize the @ResponseBody rendering
- 72.5. Handling Multipart File Uploads
- 72.6. Switch off the Spring MVC DispatcherServlet
- 72.7. Switch off the Default MVC configuration
- 72.8. Customize ViewResolvers
- 72.9. Velocity
- 72.10. Use Thymeleaf 3
- 73. HTTP clients
- 74. Logging
- 75. Data Access
- 75.1. Configure a DataSource
- 75.2. Configure Two DataSources
- 75.3. Use Spring Data repositories
- 75.4. Separate @Entity definitions from Spring configuration
- 75.5. Configure JPA properties
- 75.6. Use a custom EntityManagerFactory
- 75.7. Use Two EntityManagers
- 75.8. Use a traditional persistence.xml
- 75.9. Use Spring Data JPA and Mongo repositories
- 75.10. Expose Spring Data repositories as REST endpoint
- 75.11. Configure a component that is used by JPA
- 76. Database initialization
- 77. Batch applications
- 78. Actuator
- 79. Security
- 80. Hot swapping
- 81. Build
- 81.1. Generate build information
- 81.2. Generate git information
- 81.3. Customize dependency versions
- 81.4. Create an executable JAR with Maven
- 81.5. Create an additional executable JAR
- 81.6. Extract specific libraries when an executable jar runs
- 81.7. Create a non-executable JAR with exclusions
- 81.8. Remote debug a Spring Boot application started with Maven
- 81.9. Remote debug a Spring Boot application started with Gradle
- 81.10. Build an executable archive from Ant without using spring-boot-antlib
- 81.11. How to use Java 6
- 82. Traditional deployment
- X. Appendices
- A. Common application properties
- B. Configuration meta-data
- C. Auto-configuration classes
- D. Test auto-configuration annotations
- E. The executable jar format
- F. Dependency versions