JMM Cookbook(一)指令重排

原文地址: 第一章 译者:欧振聪 校对:李同杰





能否重排 第二个操作
第一个操作 Normal Load
Normal Store
Volatile load
Volatile store
Normal Load
Normal Store
Volatile load
No No No
Volatile store
No No


  • Normal Load指令包括:对非volatile字段的读取,getfield,getstatic和array load;
  • Normal Store指令包括:对非volatile字段的存储,putfield,putstatic和array store;
  • Volatile load指令包括:对多线程环境的volatile变量的读取,getfield,getstatic;
  • Volatile store指令包括:对多线程环境的volatile变量的存储,putfield,putstatic;
  • MonitorEnters指令(包括进入同步块synchronized方法)是用于多线程环境的锁对象;
  • MonitorExits指令(包括离开同步块synchronized方法)是用于多线程环境的锁对象。

在JMM中,Normal Load指令与Normal store指令的规则是一致的,类似的还有Volatile load指令与MonitorEnter指令,以及Volatile store指令与MonitorExit指令,因此这几对指令的单元格在上面表格里都合并在了一起(但是在后面部分的表格中,会在有需要的时候展开)。在这个小节中,我们仅仅考虑那些被当作原子单元的可读可写的变量,也就是说那些没有位域(bit fields),非对齐访问(unaligned accesses)或者超过平台最大字长(word size)的访问。

任意数量的指令操作都可被表示成这个表格中的第一个操作或者第二个操作。例如在单元格[Normal Store, Volatile Store]中,有一个No,就表示任何非volatile字段的store指令操作不能与后面任何一个Volatile store指令重排, 如果出现任何这样的重排会使多线程程序的运行发生变化。





Final 字段

Final字段的load和store指令相对于有锁的或者volatile字段来说,就跟Normal load和Normal store的存取是一样的,但是需要加入两条附加的指令重排规则:




For a compiler writer, the JMM mainly consists of rules disallowing reorderings of certain instructions that access fields (where “fields” include array elements) as well as monitors (locks).

Volatiles and Monitors

The main JMM rules for volatiles and monitors can be viewed as a matrix with cells indicating that you cannot reorder instructions associated with particular sequences of bytecodes. This table is not itself the JMM specification; it is just a useful way of viewing its main consequences for compilers and runtime systems.

Can Reorder 2nd operation
1st operation Normal Load
Normal Store
Volatile load
Volatile store
Normal Load
Normal Store
Volatile load
No No No
Volatile store
No No


  • Normal Loads are getfield, getstatic, array load of non-volatile fields.
  • Normal Stores are putfield, putstatic, array store of non-volatile fields
  • Volatile Loads are getfield, getstatic of volatile fields that are accessible by multiple threads
  • Volatile Stores are putfield, putstatic of volatile fields that are accessible by multiple threads
  • MonitorEnters (including entry to synchronized methods) are for lock objects accessible by multiple threads.
  • MonitorExits (including exit from synchronized methods) are for lock objects accessible by multiple threads.

The cells for Normal Loads are the same as for Normal Stores, those for Volatile Loads are the same as MonitorEnter, and those for Volatile Stores are same as MonitorExit, so they are collapsed together here (but are expanded out as needed in subsequent tables). We consider here only variables that are readable and writable as an atomic unit — that is, no bit fields, unaligned accesses, or accesses larger than word sizes available on a platform.

Any number of other operations might be present between the indicated 1st and 2nd operations in the table. So, for example, the “No” in cell [Normal Store, Volatile Store] says that a non-volatile store cannot be reordered with ANY subsequent volatile store; at least any that can make a difference in multithreaded program semantics.

The JSR-133 specification is worded such that the rules for both volatiles and monitors apply only to those that may be accessed by multiple threads. If a compiler can somehow (usually only with great effort) prove that a lock is only accessible from a single thread, it may be eliminated. Similarly, a volatile field provably accessible from only a single thread acts as a normal field. More fine-grained analyses and optimizations are also possible, for example, those relying on provable inaccessibility from multiple threads only during certain intervals.

Blank cells in the table mean that the reordering is allowed if the accesses aren’t otherwise dependent with respect to basic Java semantics (as specified in theJLS). For example even though the table doesn’t say so, you can’t reorder a load with a subsequent store to the same location. But you can reorder a load and store to two distinct locations, and may wish to do so in the course of various compiler transformations and optimizations. This includes cases that aren’t usually thought of as reorderings; for example reusing a computed value based on a loaded field rather than reloading and recomputing the value acts as a reordering. However, the JMM spec permits transformations that eliminate avoidable dependencies, and in turn allow reorderings.

In all cases, permitted reorderings must maintain minimal Java safety properties even when accesses are incorrectly synchronized by programmers: All observed field values must be either the default zero/null “pre-construction” values, or those written by some thread. This usually entails zeroing all heap memory holding objects before it is used in constructors and never reordering other loads with the zeroing stores. A good way to do this is to zero out reclaimed memory within the garbage collector. See the JSR-133 spec for rules dealing with other corner cases surrounding safety guarantees.

The rules and properties described here are for accesses to Java-level fields. In practice, these will additionally interact with accesses to internal bookkeeping fields and data, for example object headers, GC tables, and dynamically generated code.

Final Fields

Loads and Stores of final fields act as “normal” accesses with respect to locks and volatiles, but impose two additional reordering rules:

These rules imply that reliable use of final fields by Java programmers requires that the load of a shared reference to an object with a final field itself be synchronized, volatile, or final, or derived from such a load, thus ultimately ordering the initializing stores in constructors with subsequent uses outside constructors.


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