Options need to be added to the standard launch of a virtual machine (VM) to enable the debugging architecture, allowing us to attach (hook in) and collect data.
-Xdebug |
Enables remote debugging. |
-Xnoagent |
On a Sun VM, disables the proprietary debugging interface thus letting JPDA work correctly.在Sun VM上,禁用专有调试接口,从而允许JPDA正确工作。 |
-Djava.compiler=NONE |
Disables Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation.. 我们一般debug程序的时候,只是关注其中的一部分代码,而且大部分情况下是设置断点,然后单步执行,而JIT的编译单位是class,只要我们执行了class里面的代码,JIT就会对整个class进行编译,而我们实际执行的代码一般都是其中的一部分代码,所以从整个时间效率上来看,采用JIT反而更费时间。也就是说在JVM远程调试这个事情上,禁用JIT(只使用转译器,解释一行执行一条)更合理,所以通过-Djava.compiler=NONE来禁止JIT。 |
-Xrunjdwp: transport=dt_socket, server=y, address=5000, suspend=y |
Loads JDWP (Java Debug Wire Protocol), the reference implementation of JPDA. Sub-options further specify the option. |
transport=dt_socket |
Sets the transport type for the connection with the debugging application; in this example, we will connect via a socket. |
server=y |
Tells the VM whether it must be receptive to an attaching debugging application. |
address=5000 |
The port address for our connection; we will need 5000 for our example. |
suspend=y |
This option can be set depending on whether we want to suspend the exectution of the VM until a debugging application connects. This is useful if we seek to understand what happens when a server starts. |
1、If we wish to make the VM wait for a connection before a full launch, we will need a command line such as this :
java …. -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=5000,suspend=y
2、If we want the VM to be fully executing and listening for a debugging application, we will require a command line such as this one :
java …. -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=5000,suspend=n