ADD dobj1 TO dobj2.
This statement has the same effect as the statement
SUBTRACT dobj1 FROM dobj2.
EffectThis statement has the same effect as the statement
The following table lists the relational operators for comparisons between operands (single operands or calculation expressions) of any data type.
operator Meaning =, EQ Equal: True if the value of operand1 matches the value of operand2. <>, NE Not Equal: True if the value of operand1 does not match the value of operand2. <, LT Less Than: True if the value of operand1 is less than the value of operand2. >, GT Greater Than: True if the value of operand1 is greater than the value of operand2. <=, LE Less Equal: True if the value of operand1 is less than or equal to the value of operand2. >=, GE Greater Equal: True if the value of operand1 is greater than or equal to the value of operand2