An administrator wants to provide users restricted access. The users should only be able to perform the following
– Create and consolidate virtual machine snapshots
– Add/Remove virtual disks
– Snapshot Management
Which default role in vCenter Server would meet the administrator’s requirements for the users?
A. Virtual machine user
B. Virtual machine power user
C. Virtual Datacenter administrator
D. VMware Consolidated Backup user
Which two roles can be modified? (Choose two.)
A. Administrator
B. Network Administrator
C. Datastore Consumer
D. Read-Only
#Auther Bob #--*--coding:utf-8--*-- import time import random score = 0 #记录分数,答对一题加10分,打错不扣分 y = [] #定义一个list,主要放已经答过的题目,如果在该list中,则跳出这次循环开始下一次循环 temp_int = 0 #统计循环的次数,如果所有题目全部打完,则退出循环 exam_list = [] #定义一个list,该list主要是生成题目的序号 temp_list = [] #定义一个list,把所有的题目放在一个list中 l2 = [] #定义一个list,把所有的题目按照“===”分割,每个题目作为一个该list的一个元素 correct = 0 #定义答错的题目的数量 fail = 0 #定义答对的题目的数量 exam_dict = {} #定义一个dict,格式化如下{序号:{题目:“题目内容”,选项:“选项内容”,答案:“答案内容”}} for i in range(242): exam_list.append(i) with open("exam","r",encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: temp_list.append(line) temp_str = "".join(temp_list) l2 = temp_str.split("==") for a in exam_list: l1 = l2[a].split("*") temp_dict = {a:{"题目":l1[0],"选项":l1[1],"答案":l1[2]}} exam_dict.update(temp_dict) while True: r = random.randrange(0,242) if temp_int == 242: test_num = "你一共测试了%d道题,答对%d,答错%d" %(temp_int,correct,fail) test_score = "你的分数是%d." %(score) print(test_score) print(test_num) exit() else: if r in y: continue else: g = "good" f = "failed" temp_int = temp_int + 1 y.append(r) tmp_num = "这是第%d道题." % (temp_int) print(tmp_num) print(exam_dict[r]["题目"]) print(exam_dict[r]["选项"]) temp_option = input("you choice:") option = temp_option.upper() s = set() b = set() for i in option: s.add(i) for c in exam_dict[r]["答案"].strip(): b.add(c) if s == b: gg = g.center(100,"=") print(gg) correct = correct + 1 test_num = "你一共测试了%d道题,答对%d,答错%d" % (temp_int, correct, fail) print(test_num) score = score + 10 else: ff = f.center(100,"=") print(ff) fail = fail + 1 time.sleep(10) print(b) test_num = "你一共测试了%d道题,答对%d,答错%d" % (temp_int, correct, fail) print(test_num) time.sleep(15)