最近在优化代码时发现linq 采用了||查询导致查询效率非常慢,查询语句出现扫表情况,
优化c# 前的linq:
dateTime = dateTime.Date; DateTime BegTime = dateTime; DateTime EndTime = dateTime.AddDays(1); var v = from q in _MyDbContext.Document where q.Customer.AgentId == agentId && (!q.UserRefundId.HasValue || q.UserRefund.RefundStatus != RefundStatusType.SUCCESS) && ((q.OutputTime >= BegTime && q.OutputTime <= EndTime && q.DocumentStatus == DocumentStatus.OutputComplete) || (q.Order.Status == OrderStatusType.SUCCESS && q.Order.SuccessTime >= BegTime && q.Order.SuccessTime <= EndTime)) select new PrinterStatisticsDto { PrinterId = q.PrinterId, PrinterName = q.PrinterName, CustomerId = q.CustomerId.Value, CustomerName = q.Customer.Name, JobType = q.JobType, SimpleDuplexType = q.SimpleDuplexType == SimpleDuplexType.Simple ? SimpleDuplexType.Simple : SimpleDuplexType.DuplexLong, PageSize = q.PageSize, ColorType = q.ColorType, PageCount = q.CalculationCount > 0 ? q.CalculationCount : q.PageCount, Copies = q.Copies, GivePageCount = q.GivePageCount, TotalCost = (q.OrderId.HasValue && q.Order.Status == OrderStatusType.SUCCESS) ? q.TotalCost : 0 }; var s = from item in v group item by new { item.PrinterId, item.PrinterName, item.CustomerId, item.CustomerName, item.JobType, item.PageSize, item.ColorType, item.SimpleDuplexType } into gr select new StatisticsDto { Balance = gr.Sum(a => a.TotalCost.Value), ColorType = gr.Key.ColorType, Count = gr.Sum(a => a.PageCount * a.Copies), JobType = gr.Key.JobType, SimpleDuplexType = gr.Key.SimpleDuplexType, PageSize = gr.Key.PageSize, PrinterName = gr.Key.PrinterName, PrinterId = gr.Key.PrinterId, CustomerId = gr.Key.CustomerId, CustomerName = gr.Key.CustomerName, GivePageCount = gr.Sum(a => a.GivePageCount), }; return s.ToList();
这样的代码生成的sql 语句如下:
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN `d`.`OrderId` IS NOT NULL AND (`o`.`Status` = 1) THEN `d`.`TotalCost` ELSE 0 END) AS `Balance`, `d`.`ColorType`, SUM(CASE WHEN `d`.`CalculationCount` > 0 THEN `d`.`CalculationCount` ELSE `d`.`PageCount` END * `d`.`Copies`) AS `Count`, `d`.`JobType`, CASE WHEN `d`.`SimpleDuplexType` = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END AS `SimpleDuplexType`, `d`.`PageSize`, `d`.`PrinterName`, `d`.`PrinterId`, `d`.`CustomerId`, COUNT(*) AS `OrderNumber`, SUM(`d`.`GivePageCount`) AS `GivePageCount`, timestamp('2022-08-04 00:00:00') AS `DateTime` FROM `Document` AS `d` LEFT JOIN `UserRefund` AS `u` ON `d`.`UserRefundId` = `u`.`Id` LEFT JOIN `Order` AS `o` ON `d`.`OrderId` = `o`.`Id` LEFT JOIN `Customer` AS `c` ON `d`.`CustomerId` = `c`.`Id` WHERE ((`d`.`CustomerId` = 100076) AND (`d`.`UserRefundId` IS NULL OR ((`u`.`RefundStatus` <> 3) OR `u`.`RefundStatus` IS NULL))) AND ((((`d`.`OutputTime` >= timestamp('2022-08-04 00:00:00')) AND (`d`.`OutputTime` <= timestamp('2022-08-05 00:00:00'))) AND (`d`.`DocumentStatus` = 9)) OR (((`o`.`Status` = 1) AND (`o`.`CreateTime` >= timestamp('2022-08-04 00:00:00'))) AND (`o`.`CreateTime` <= timestamp('2022-08-05 00:00:00')))) GROUP BY `d`.`PrinterId`, `d`.`PrinterName`, `d`.`CustomerId`, `c`.`Name`, `d`.`JobType`, `d`.`PageSize`, `d`.`ColorType`, CASE WHEN `d`.`SimpleDuplexType` = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END ORDER BY `d`.`PrinterId` DESC, `d`.`JobType` LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0
dateTime = dateTime.Date; DateTime BegTime = dateTime; DateTime EndTime = dateTime.AddDays(1); var v = from q in _MyDbContext.Document where q.CustomerId == customerId && (!q.UserRefundId.HasValue || q.UserRefund.RefundStatus != RefundStatusType.SUCCESS) && (q.OutputTime >= BegTime && q.OutputTime <= EndTime && q.DocumentStatus == DocumentStatus.OutputComplete) select new PrinterStatisticsDto { PrinterId = q.PrinterId, PrinterName = q.PrinterName, CustomerId = q.CustomerId.Value, CustomerName = q.Customer.Name, JobType = q.JobType, SimpleDuplexType = q.SimpleDuplexType == SimpleDuplexType.Simple ? SimpleDuplexType.Simple : SimpleDuplexType.DuplexLong, PageSize = q.PageSize, ColorType = q.ColorType, PageCount = q.CalculationCount > 0 ? q.CalculationCount : q.PageCount, Copies = q.Copies, GivePageCount = q.GivePageCount, TotalCost = (q.OrderId.HasValue && q.Order.Status == OrderStatusType.SUCCESS) ? q.TotalCost : 0 }; var v1 = from q in _MyDbContext.Document where q.CustomerId == customerId && (!q.UserRefundId.HasValue || q.UserRefund.RefundStatus != RefundStatusType.SUCCESS) && q.Order.Status == OrderStatusType.SUCCESS && q.Order.SuccessTime >= BegTime && q.Order.SuccessTime <= EndTime select new PrinterStatisticsDto { PrinterId = q.PrinterId, PrinterName = q.PrinterName, CustomerId = q.CustomerId.Value, CustomerName = q.Customer.Name, JobType = q.JobType, SimpleDuplexType = q.SimpleDuplexType == SimpleDuplexType.Simple ? SimpleDuplexType.Simple : SimpleDuplexType.DuplexLong, PageSize = q.PageSize, ColorType = q.ColorType, PageCount = q.CalculationCount > 0 ? q.CalculationCount : q.PageCount, Copies = q.Copies, GivePageCount = q.GivePageCount, TotalCost = (q.OrderId.HasValue && q.Order.Status == OrderStatusType.SUCCESS) ? q.TotalCost : 0 }; v = v.Union(v1); var s = from item in v group item by new { item.PrinterId, item.PrinterName, item.CustomerId, item.CustomerName, item.JobType, item.PageSize, item.ColorType, item.SimpleDuplexType } into gr select new PrinterStatistics { Balance = gr.Sum(a => a.TotalCost.Value), ColorType = gr.Key.ColorType, Count = gr.Sum(a => a.PageCount * a.Copies), JobType = gr.Key.JobType, SimpleDuplexType = gr.Key.SimpleDuplexType, PageSize = gr.Key.PageSize, PrinterName = gr.Key.PrinterName, PrinterId = gr.Key.PrinterId, CustomerId = gr.Key.CustomerId, GivePageCount = gr.Sum(a => a.GivePageCount), OrderNumber = gr.Count(), DateTime = dateTime, }; return s.ToList();