LeetCode 旋转字符串算法题解 All In One
js / ts 实现旋转字符串
旋转原理 图解
// 2 倍 s, 一定包含所有(字符移动)旋转操作之后的组合 ✅
// 如, `abc` => `abcabc` (abc, bca, cab)
796. Rotate String
"use strict";
* @author xgqfrms
* @license MIT
* @copyright xgqfrms
* @created 2022-08-13
* @modified
* @description 796. Rotate String
* @description 796. 旋转字符串
* @difficulty Easy
* @ime_complexity O(n), KMP 算法搜索子字符串的时间复杂度为 O(n)
* @space_complexity O(n), KMP 算法搜索子字符串的空间复杂度为 O(n)
* @augments
* @example
* @link https://leetcode.com/problems/rotate-string/
* @link https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/rotate-string/
* @solutions
* @best_solutions
export {};
const log = console.log;
function rotateString(s: string, goal: string): boolean {
if (s === goal) {
return true;
} else if (s.length !== goal.length) {
return false;
} else {
// 2 倍 s, 一定包含所有(字符移动)旋转操作之后的组合 ✅
// 如, `abc` => `abcabc` (abc, bca, cab)
// indexOf
// return (s + s).indexOf(goal) !== -1;
// return s.repeat(2).indexOf(goal);
// return s.padEnd(s.length * 2, s).indexOf(goal);
// includes
// return (s + s).includes(goal) !== -1;
// return s.repeat(2).includes(goal);
return s.padEnd(s.length * 2, s).includes(goal);
function rotateString(s: string, goal: string): boolean {
if(s === goal) {
return true;
const arr = [];
const strs = goal.split('');
// index order,防止存在重复 char,导致 index 计算错误 ✅
for(let [index, str] of strs.entries()) {
// right + left
arr.push(goal.slice(index) + goal.slice(0, index));
// 优化: 提前终止,if mactch, 较少循环次数
if(arr.includes(s)) {
return true;
return arr.includes(s);
// type alias
type ObjectType = {
inputs: [string, string];
result: boolean;
desc: string;
interface TestCaseInterface extends Array<ObjectType> {
// interface TestCaseInterface extends Array<any> {
// [index: number]: ObjectType;
// }
// 测试用例 test cases
const testCases: TestCaseInterface = [
inputs: ["abcde", "cdeab"],
result: true,
desc: 'value equal to true',
inputs: ["abcde", "abced"],
result: false,
desc: 'value equal to false',
for (const [i, testCase] of testCases.entries()) {
const [first, second] = testCase.inputs;
const result = rotateString(first, second);
log(`test case i result: /n`, result === testCase.result ? `passed ✅` : `failed ❌`, result);
// log(`test case i =`, testCase);
leetcode 题解 / LeetCode Solutions
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LeetCode 28. Implement strStr()
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