- congratulate [过去分词 of congratulari ‘to wish happiness’, from com- + gratus ‘pleasing’]
- grateful [‘pleasing, thankful’, from gratus] 感激的; 感谢的; 令人愉快的; 宜人的; 使人感到舒服的
- ungrateful
- ingrate [from ingratus, from gratus ‘grateful’] an ungrateful person
- ingratitude: the quality of not being grateful
- gratitude [from gratitudo, from gratus] 感激; 感谢
- gratify [from gratificare ‘to make yourself pleasing’, from gratus] 使高兴或满意; 满足所欲; 纵容
- gratuity [from gratuitus “done without pay,” from gratus “pleasing,” from gratia “favor”] tip; 退休金
- gratuitous [from gratuitus, from gratus] unnecessary. 想象两个人客气/推让:A:“拿些水果走。” B:“不用了/不要,家里有。”
How to Write a Letter of Congratulations: 15 Steps
- Including a Salutation [敬礼; 致意; 称呼] and Initial Congratulations
- Come up with an appropriate salutation to start your letter.
- Begin with a general statement of congratulations for a standard opening.
- Start with pride or encouragement if you know the addressee [the person a letter, package etc is addressed to] well.
- Place the emphasis on the achievement if you’re not close to the addressee.
- Adding a Personal Touch
- Focus on your feelings if you’ve known the recipient a long time.
- Talk about how the addressee has grown over time.
- Include a personal anecdote if you want to offer advice.
- Concluding [结束] Your Letter
- Close with a formal note of encouragement if it’s a professional letter.
- Include a note of support and affection if you’re close to them.
- Wish the addressee luck if they’re starting out on a new journey.
- Choose an appropriate closing before signing your name.
- Delivering Your Letter
- Send your letter as soon as you can.
- Write personal letters by hand and email formal letters.
- Hand them your letter in person to add a personal touch.
- Send the letter along with a gift to show appreciation.
六级/考研单词: congratulate, gratitude, salute, parcel, anecdote, advice, affection