- 之前的研究表明prompt可以提高模型在事件检测方面的性能,包括
- 使用特定structure
- 使用每种事件类型特定的query
- 原型 trigger
- 这些尝试启发对不同prompt效果的探究
- Supervised event detection
- Few-shot Event detection
- 两个数据集/(D_{base}, D_{novel}/),前者规模大,后者小。后者用来作为第二个域。
- Zero-shot Event detection
- 只用第二个域的数据作为测试,不在/(D_{novel}/)上面fine-tune
Event Type Prompts
- Event Type Name
- 使用Event的名字作为prompt
- Definition
- 如 Attack:violent or physical act causing harm or damage
- Prototype Seed Triggers
- 在判断事件类别/(T/)时,选取/(K/)个trigger word,他们作为/(T/)的触发词的次数占他们出现总次数的比例最大,并连接起来。
- Event Type Structure
- 加入事件的参数
- Continuous Soft Prompt
- 参考经典论文 Prefifix-tuning: Optimizing continuous prompts for generation
- APEX Prompt
- 综合prompt,包含:event type name, seed triggers, and definition
- 如下图所示
A Unified Framework for Event Detection
Context Encoding
Sentence /(W={w_1,w_2,/dots,w_N}/)
event type prompt /(T={/tau _1^t, /tau _2^t,/dots,/tau _K^t}/)
/[[CLS] /tau _1^t, /tau _2^t,/dots,/tau _K^t [SEP] w_1,/dots,w_N[SEP]
/] -
Event Type Aware Contextual Representation
- 计算每个token的event type /(t/) aware contextual representation /(A_i^t=/sum_{j=1}^{|T|} /alpha_{ij} /cdot /mathbf{T}_j, /text{where } /alpha_{ij}=/cos(/mathbf{w}_i, /mathbf{T_j})/)
Event Detection
- /(/tilde{y}_i^t = U_o ([/mathbf{w}_i;/mathbf{A}_i^T;/mathbf{P}_i])/)
- /(/mathbf{P}_i/)是token i的pos编码向量
- /(U_o/)是预测事件检测的分类头
Method | Supervised ED | Few-shot ED | Zero-shot ED |
State of the art | 73.3 | 35.2 | 49.1 |
(a) Event Type name | 72.2 | 52.7 | 49.8 |
(b) Defifinition | 73.1 | 46.7 | 45.5 |
(c) Seed Triggers | 73.7 | 53.8 | 52.4 |
(d) Event Type Structure | 72.8 | 50.4 | 48.0 |
(e) Continuous Soft Prompt | 68.1 | 48.2 | – |
Majority Voting of (a)-(e) | 73.9 | 52.1 | 48.7 |
(f) APEX Prompt | 74.9 | 57.4 | 55.3 |