#include <boost/python.hpp> #include <boost/python/module.hpp> #include <boost/python/def.hpp> #include <boost/python/to_python_converter.hpp> #include using namespace std; using namespace boost::python; namespace HelloPython{ // 简单函数 char const* sayHello(){ return "Hello from boost::python"; } // 简单类 class HelloClass{ public: HelloClass(const string& name):name(name){ } public: string sayHello(){ return "Hello from HelloClass by : " + name; } private: string name; }; // 接受该类的简单函数 string sayHelloClass(HelloClass& hello){ return hello.sayHello() + " in function sayHelloClass"; } //STL容器 typedef vector<int> ivector; //有默认参数值的函数 void showPerson(string name,int age=30,string nationality="China"){ cout << name << " " << age << " " << nationality << endl; } // 封装带有默认参数值的函数 BOOST_PYTHON_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS(showPerson_overloads,showPerson,1,3) //1:最少参数个数,3最大参数个数 // 封装模块 BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(HelloPython){ // 封装简单函数 def("sayHello",sayHello); // 封装简单类,并定义__init__函数 class_("HelloClass",init()) .def("sayHello",&HelloClass::sayHello)//Add a regular member function ; def("sayHelloClass",sayHelloClass); // sayHelloClass can be made a member of module!!! // STL的简单封装方法 class_("ivector") .def(vector_indexing_suite()); class_ >("ivector_vector") .def(vector_indexing_suite >()); // 带有默认参数值的封装方法 def("showPerson",showPerson,showPerson_overloads()); }