Password python project number
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def passwordStrength(password):
if password.islower(): print("Your password is weak as it only contains lower case letters") elif password.isupper(): print("Your password is weak as it only contains capital letters") elif password.isnumeric(): print("Your password is weak as it only contains numbers") elif password.islower and password.isupper: print("Your password is medium as it contains no numbers") elif password.islower and password.isnumeric: print("Your password is medium as it contains no uppercases") elif password.isupper and password.isnumeric: print("Your password is medium as it contains no lowercases") elif password.islower and password.isupper and password.isnumeric: print("Your password is strong") |
您的代码的第一个问题是您没有调用方法本身。本质上,您需要在每次引用 islower、isupper 和 isnumeric 之后放置方括号(即 ())。
不过,更深层次的问题在于您使用这些方法的意图。函数 islower、isupper、isumeric 在语义上并不分别表示”此字符串包含小写字母字符”、”此字符串包含大写字母字符”和”此字符串包含数字字符”。这些函数检查整个字符串是否仅由这些字符组成。
因此,如果字符串中有单个数字(例如 “asd123”),方法 islower 将返回 false,因为该字符串中有不是小写字母的字符。