1、在 Yii 2.0 中添加了多个数据库连接组件时
'components' => [ 'db' => [ 'class' => 'yii/db/Connection', 'dsn' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=pcs_api', 'username' => 'sq_pcs', 'password' => '', 'tablePrefix' => 'pa_', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4', 'enableSchemaCache' => false, 'schemaCacheDuration' => 3600, 'schemaCache' => 'redisCache', ], 'statDb' => [ 'class' => 'yii/db/Connection', 'dsn' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=pcs_stat', 'username' => 'sq_pcs', 'password' => '', 'tablePrefix' => 'ps_', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4', ], ],
2、迁移多个数据库的策略是把迁移存放到不同的目录下。一个连接组件对应一个目录。db 的目录:/console/migrations/。statDb 的目录:/console/migrations/stat_db/。如图1
3、生成 statDb 下的迁移文件时,需要指定: –migrationPath=@console/migrations/stat_db/ ,如图2
PS E:/wwwroot/pcs-stat> ./yii migrate/create stat_task --migrationPath=@console/migrations/stat_db/ Yii Migration Tool (based on Yii v2.0.31) Create new migration 'E:/wwwroot/pcs-stat/console/migrations/stat_db//m200520_064341_stat_task.php'? (yes|no) [no]:yes New migration created successfully.
4、然后可以通过如下命令分别对不同的数据库进行迁移。第一条命令将会把 /console/migrations/ 目录下的迁移提交到 db 数据库当中, 第二条命令则会把 /console/migrations/stat_db/ 下的迁移提交到 statDb 数据库当中,以此类推。目录的层级仅支持一级。如图3
PS E:/wwwroot/pcs-stat> ./yii migrate Yii Migration Tool (based on Yii v2.0.31) No new migrations found. Your system is up-to-date. PS E:/wwwroot/pcs-stat> ./yii migrate --migrationPath=@console/migrations/stat_db/ --db=statDb Yii Migration Tool (based on Yii v2.0.31) Creating migration history table "ps_migration"...Done. Total 2 new migrations to be applied: m200519_065119_stat_task m200519_071446_stat_resource Apply the above migrations? (yes|no) [no]:no PS E:/wwwroot/pcs-stat> ./yii migrate --migrationPath=@console/migrations/stat_db/ --db=statDb Yii Migration Tool (based on Yii v2.0.31) Creating migration history table "ps_migration"...Done. Total 2 new migrations to be applied: m200519_065119_stat_task m200519_071446_stat_resource Apply the above migrations? (yes|no) [no]:yes *** applying m200519_065119_stat_task > create table {{%stat_task}} ... done (time: 0.666s) > create unique index uc_group_id_code_ca on {{%stat_task}} (group_id,code,created_at) ... done (time: 0.077s) *** applied m200519_065119_stat_task (time: 1.016s) *** applying m200519_071446_stat_resource > create table {{%stat_resource}} ... done (time: 0.762s) > create unique index uc_group_id_ca on {{%stat_resource}} (group_id,created_at) ... done (time: 0.081s) *** applied m200519_071446_stat_resource (time: 1.113s) 2 migrations were applied. Migrated up successfully.
5、查看 statDb 数据库当中的迁移历史记录,符合预期。如图4