如何创建一个文章类型及元素, 请见我们上节内容
你可以选择你要显示在网站前台的元素.例如:你可以在一个文章中显示所有元素, item view (使用full设定 )并且,如果你喜欢你可以设置一些元素只显示在分类界面中显示(使用teaser设定).
- Feed layout: 它使用在feed界面.分配元素到feed布局中,并且在feeds中显示
- Full layout: 它将设置文章界面,分配元素到full布局中,这些元素将在最终文章详情页中显示.
- Related layout: 它将设置相关文件界面.分配元素在related中,这些元素会显示在最终文章详情页下面的相关文章位置.
- Teaser layout:设置分类界面.分配元素在 teaser 中,将会在网站前台的分类界面、Tag页面显示(文章汇总页面).
- Item Module: 在 style=”text-decoration: none; color: #0096d7;” title=”Set Up the ZOO Item Module “>ZOO Item Module中显示所有元素. Currently the default layout is used by most themes of the Item Module. Assign elements to this layout to show them in the Item Module.
- Search Plugin: 显示在 style=”text-decoration: none; color: #0096d7;” title=”Set Up the ZOO Tag Module”>ZOO Search Plugin布局中.分配元素到默认布局中显示在搜索结果中。.
Each of the above mentioned layouts have different predefined positions. If you want to edit the positions of a specific layout or if you want to create a new layout, follow style=”text-decoration: none; color: #0096d7;” title=”Create a new Template”>this tutorial.
Click on the specific layout (see first part of this tutorial for a description) to assign the elements to it.
Now on the left hand side you see all available layout positions. If you are editing a predefined item type of the ZOO extension there are already elements assigned. If you’ve created a new item type the left site is empty.
On the right side you see all elements of the type (see style=”text-decoration: none; color: #0096d7;” title=”Create new Types”>this tutorial on creating a new item type). On the top you see the core elements which are available for every type and underneath it the custom elements which you have assigned to the type.
请自己试着去添加每个元素体会这种变化 .
然后单击保存(Save )这个元素将固定在你的网站Zoo扩展管理界面.