WordPress 4.6 Beta 1 已发布

WordPress 4.6 Beta 1已发布,该版本目前还在开发中,请不要用户已上线的正式网站。你可以使用WordPress Beta Tester 插件测试新版本,或者点此下载 WordPress 4.6 Beta 1

WordPress 4.6 正式版计划在美国时间 8 月 16 日发布,先来看看主要的改进:

  • 改进插件和主题的安装、更新和删除体验([37714])
  • WP后台不再使用Google字体,换回系统自带字体,有助于加快后台速度(#36753)
  • 改进编辑器 – 更可靠的恢复模式(#37025)以及检测输入的错误网址(#36638)


  • Resource Hints (#34292) – Allow browsers to prefetch specific pages, render them in the background, perform DNS lookups, or to begin the connection handshake (DNS, TCP, TLS) in the background.
  • New WP_Site_Query (#35791) and WP_Network_Query (#32504) classes to query sites and networks with lazy loading for details.
  • Requests (#33055) – A new PHP library for HTTP requests that supports parallel requests and more.
  • WP_Term_Query (#35381) is modeled on existing query classes and provides a more consistent structure for generating term queries.
  • Language Packs (#34114, #34213) – Translations managed throughtranslate.wordpress.orgnow have a higher priority and are loaded just-in-time.
  • WP_Post_Type (#36217) provides easier access to post type objects and their underlying properties.
  • The Widgets API (#28216) was enhanced to support registering pre-instantiated widgets.
  • Index definitions are now normalized by dbDelta() ([37583]).
  • Comments can now be stored in a persistent object cache (#36906).
  • External Libraries were updated to the latest versions – Masonry to 3.3.2 and imagesLoaded to 3.2.0 (#32802), MediaElement.js to 2.21.2 (#36759), and TinyMCE to 4.3.13 (#37225).
  • REST API responses now include an auto-discovery header (#35580) and a refreshed nonce when responding to an authenticated response (#35662).
  • Expanded Meta Registration API via register_meta() (#35658).
  • Customizer – Improved API for setting validation (#34893, #36944).


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