开源免费 Windows 终端 Windows Terminal 1.10.2383.0 中文免费版

开源免费 Windows 终端 Windows Terminal 中文版大眼仔(www.dayanzai.me)发布。为了使 Windows 成为开发人员更受欢迎的平台,Microsoft 在 Windows 10 中引入了 WSL(Linux 的 Windows 子系统),这使得在 Windows 上运行 Linux 二进制文件成为可能,而没有虚拟机的麻烦。Windows 终端程序是一款新式、快速、高效、强大且高效的终端应用程序,适用于命令行工具和命令提示符,PowerShell 和 WSL 等 Shell 用户。主要功能包括多个选项卡、窗格、Unicode、和 UTF-8 字符支持,GPU 加速文本渲染引擎以及自定义主题、样式和配置。

开源免费 Windows 终端 Windows Terminal

开源免费 Windows 终端 Windows Terminal 中文版

为了进一步简化流程,并提供一种替代过时的 Windows 控制台的方法,Microsoft 提出了Windows Terminal。它旨在改变用户访问命令提示符,PowerShell,WSL 和其他命令行外壳程序和应用程序的方式。您将能够在一个应用程序中使用所有这些工具,该应用程序支持多个选项卡,GPU加速和大量自定义。

长期以来,Windows 上可用的命令行环境不如 macOSLinux 上的命令行环境。多年来,微软已经采取了一些措施来改进其控制台,但是他们最终决定只开发一个名为 Windows Terminal 的新应用程序。

此新工具不会替代现有的控制台,这将导致与旧版应用程序的无限兼容性问题。相反,您将能够在新终端中的单独选项卡中运行命令提示符,PowerShell 和 WSL 实例。


其次,Windows Terminal 使用 GPU 加速的 DirectWrite/DirectX 引擎呈现文本。这意味着现在可以在终端内显示各种图形和符号。

要更改键绑定,UI 颜色,背景以及添加新的外壳,当前您必须在文本编辑器中编辑 JSON 配置文件。尽管这不太困难,尤其是对于开发人员而言,但这显然是一个临时解决方案,直到实现更直观的方法为止。

Windows Terminal 应该是真正的游戏规则改变者。使用 Windows 的命令行工具使工作变得更加容易,从而增加了该平台对开发人员的吸引力。仍有许多工作要做,但是这个项目显示出很大的希望。

注意:Windows Terminal 需要 Windows 10 1903(内部版本18362)或更高版本。

Windows Terminal 许可证

MIT 许可证


What’s new in Windows Terminal 1.10.2383.0
September 1, 2021
You can now delete autogenerated profiles. That just about says it all. Sorry for taking so long on this one! (#11007(#10910)
Bold or “intense” text can now be displayed as bright colors, a bold font, or both (#10759)
We released 1.10 with the new default set to both bold and bright, but have reset it to just bright until we work out some text rendering issues (#10958)
Set intenseTextStyle (flag enum, default bright, options bold, bright, allin any profile
This version of Terminal ships with Cascadia Code 2108.26, which contains fixes for some ligature issues, Hebrew glyph positioning and more.
In the settings UI, we’ve changed a number of tooltips to replace “checked” (as in, a checkboxwith “enabled” because they’re toggle switches now (#10885)
The console (and terminalwill no longer hold on to large memory allocations after large I/O requests (#10738)
Terminal now loads WSL distributions in a different way, and will not hang on startup waiting for them (#10967)
Bug Fixes:
An issue where opening a tab with Narrator running resulted in no output has been fixed (#10971)
Moving your screen reader cursor by line, character and document is now more reliable (#10991)
…and should no longer cause an occasional deadlock. (#10937)
“Default Terminal”:
Command-line applications launched through “Default Terminal” now follow the windowing behavior setting (#10823)
Applications launched into terminal no longer erroneously believe the screen to be 9001 lines tall (#10772)
We fixed an issue resulting in Ctrl+C never reaching handoff applications (#10751)
“Quake” Mode:
The “quake” window’s borders will no longer appear on adjacent monitors (#10676)
Dismissing the “quake” window and summoning it on another display will now properly update its size (#10674)
Snapping the “quake” window to another display will also properly update its size (#10744)
Saving your settings will no longer destroy them if settings.json is a symbolic link (#10908(thanks @Don-Vito!)
When you attempt to use Alt+Arrow Keys with no panes, we will now send those keys to the connected client (#10806(thanks @FWest98!)
A crash during startup/commandline execution regarding moving focus to a new pane has been quashed (#11040(thanks @Rosefield!)
Terminal Emulation:
You can no longer erroneously interact with mouse-mode applications at bad coordinates when they are scrolled away (#10642)
Selected text will no longer move off of its selected line as more text is output… (#10749)
… until it no longer fits on screen, at which point it absolutely will.
The alternate buffer now inherits its cursor state from the main buffer (#10843(#10878(thanks @j4james!)
We’ve put a sock in a very loud exception handler (#10901)
We will no longer try to resize the display if the size hasn’t changed, and no longer clear your selection (#10895(thanks @Don-Vito!)
C1 control characters in SetConsoleTitle will no longer cause Terminal to lose sanity (#10847(thanks @j4james!)
The terminal will no longer scroll vertically if you have a horizontal wheel (#10979)
RIS no longer even has a chance of failing (thanks to @amie42 for spotting this after the PR merged!(#10661)
User Interface
No longer will dropdown menus and combo boxes fly wildly off the screen if you scroll or drag the window! Rejoice! (#10922)
Restoring from fullscreen no longer accidentally counts the window border as part of the new size (#10737)
The window border is likewise ignored when calculating the initial position of the window (#10902)
We have removed a double scrollbar from the settings UI, which was a fix for another issue, which has now been fixed properly (#10716(thanks @mimvdb!)
We’ve fixed some focus tracking bugs that occur during complicated command line handling (#10978)
There is no longer an annoying issue where some people on non-100%-scaling displays would not be able to use the tab bar when maximized (#10746)
The settings UI animations are now slightly less obnoxious (#10934(thanks @Don-Vito!)



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