免费开源截图共享工具 ShareX 13.6.0 官方中文免费版

免费开源截图共享工具 ShareX 13 官方中文版大眼仔旭(www.dayanzai.me)发布。ShareX 中文版是电脑上一款多功能的屏幕截图工具,这款软件不仅支持基础的屏幕截图,还支持圆角方形、椭圆形等各种形状的截取范围,以及强大的录像功能,让你可以更快速地将对自己有用的信息截取下来,并加上相关的水印、注解等,不仅如此,你还可以把截取下来的图片制作成GIF格式的动图。FastStone CaptureSnagit 也是非常不错的截图工具。

ShareX 中文版

ShareX 中文版

ShareX 功能

ShareX 功能多到夸张,内建有荧幕截图的功能,还支持圆角方形、椭圆形、三角形、多边形等等的截取范围,也还有荧幕录影的功能,能将图片输出成动态的 GIF 档案。在荧幕截图之后有各种动作的设定,有浮水印、边框、注解、复制到剪贴簿、列印图片、存档、另存新档与上传图片,这些功能老实说颇实在的,能有比较广泛的应用。

大部分的功能和快捷键都可以自定义。比如说你可以配置成,按下快捷键截图后,自动加上水印(或者其他效果),自动上传到 imgur,然后把可以分享的图片网址自动缩短(是的,你没看错,这货也支持各种网址缩短),然后自动复制链接到剪切板,并同时自动发送 tweet。

除了截图以外,ShareX 还能分享剪切板内的文字,或者上传文件到各种服务。然后,它还有一些其他的功能,感兴趣话可以去安装来慢慢研究。

ShareX 使用方法

Print Screen:捕捉整个屏幕
Alt+Print Screen:捕捉活动窗口
Ctrl+Print Screen:捕捉矩形区域
Shift+Print Screen:屏幕录制

ShareX 是一款开源免费的截图软件,自2007年推出以来,10年的时间,让他的功能多到眼花缭乱。除了必不可少的一键截屏外,你还可以各种姿势截网页、截滚动页面、变DNS、二维码转换、突然融合、FTP上传,以及直接截取成视频或者GIF!自带简单的编辑工具,截完图后还可以直接加特效。如此丰富的功能,软件大小却只有70多MB,说其是黑科技也不为过。这是当前世界上最好的截图软件,如果你想什么东西都用最好的,那这款ShareX一定不能错过。

Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista 32bit/64bit/Windows XP

ShareX 许可证

GPL-3.0 许可证


ShareX 13.6.0 – 2021-09-04
ShareX is now using .NET Framework 4.8 which will be automatically downloaded if it is not available on the system
Updated Inno Setup to 6.2.0 which has modernized graphics
Updated Inno Setup Dependency Installer script which is now using the new built in Inno Setup downloader to download .NET Framework
Added “Glow” image effect, which allows you to make a gradient outer glow around your screenshots*
Removed social buttons toolbar and news button from the main window
Added Twitter button which will replace our previous news panel, please make sure to follow our Twitter account if you would like to receive ShareX related news or tips
Added Discord button, you can join our Discord server to get support from the community
Added “Menu font” theme option, and changed default font size of menu and context menus to 9.75 pt
Added Bing visual search button to the main window context menu and also as a URL sharing service destination, this works as both an image search and a great OCR service
Added quick image combine buttons to main window context menu*
You must select multiple images from main window by holding Ctrl or Shift and then selecting multiple thumbnails to be able to see these buttons in right click context menu
When a screenshot is taken, the window title and process name of the active window is stored in history as meta tag
This will greatly improve searching screenshots in the ShareX history window. For example if you take a screenshot from the Spotify window then you can either search “spotify” (process name) or specific artist name or song name (window title) which are stored in a meta tag. If you take screenshots on your browser, you can search the website you took it on (since the website name is generally in the Window Title)
Added an option to adjust JPEG quality automatically to fit best quality under target file size (Task settings -> Image)
Reorganized tools menu to group similar tools together with separators between them
Tweet message moved to upload menu from tools menu
Improved the “First time upload” dialog to save people from unintentional uploads: added big “Attention” text with red background and locked the “Yes” button for 5 seconds
Improved error message of custom uploaders to include more specific error messages with the host name included
Added multi line support to custom uploader argument value fields
Allow empty multipart/form-data value in custom uploader
Added copy URL buttons to response window
Added simple search bar to history window which lets you search by file name, window title and process name; you can also use wildcard characters while searching
Image history window search bar also supports searching meta tags now
Added advanced search button to the history window toolbar which toggles panel with more filtering options
The Image Preview now fills the right side, since the filtering options have been moved to advanced search
Added “Copy stats to clipboard” button to the history window toolbar
Added “Toggle more info” button to the history window toolbar, which toggles panel at bottom right to show more info about selected history entry such as tags
Added hotkeys to history window context menu entries:
Enter Open URL or file
Ctrl + Enter Open file
Shift + Enter Open folder
Ctrl + C Copy URL
Shift + C Copy file
Alt + C Copy image
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy file path
Ctrl + U Upload file
Ctrl + E Edit image
Added history settings window, which currently contains:
Maximum item limit (allows loading history window faster)
Remember search input
Remember window state
If dev mode is enabled then pressing Ctrl + F5 while in the history window loads fake history data
If dev mode is enabled then main window title, tray icon text and about window will show full version info with build type and admin privilege status, for example: ShareX 13.6.0 Dev (Debug, Admin)
Removed ge.tt file uploader because it is no longer in service
“Delete file locally” after capture task now also works for file uploads if “Task settings -> Advanced -> UseAfterCaptureTasksDuringFileUpload” option is enabled




上一篇 2021年9月6日
下一篇 2021年9月6日


