1、参考网址:https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/learn ,如图1
2、参考第4步骤,打开电脑中的 命令提示符(Windows),参考网址:https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-open-command-prompt-2618089 ,如图2
Open Command Prompt in Windows 10
Tap or click the Start button, followed by All apps.
If you’re not using the Desktop in Windows 10, tap the All apps button on the bottom-left of your screen instead. It’s the icon that looks like the small list of items.
Tip: The Power User Menu is a much faster way to get to Command Prompt in Windows 10 but only if you’re using a keyboard or mouse. Just choose Command Prompt from the menu that appears after pressing WIN+X or right-clicking on the Start button.
Find the Windows System folder from the list of apps and tap or click it.
Under the Windows System folder, click or tap Command Prompt.
Command Prompt should open immediately.
You can now execute whatever commands in Windows 10 you’d like to run.
在Windows 10中打开命令提示符
如果您在Windows 10中未使用桌面,请点按屏幕左下角的“所有应用”按钮。 这是一个看起来像小项目列表的图标。
提示:高级用户菜单是在Windows 10中访问命令提示符的快捷方式,但前提是您使用的是键盘或鼠标。 只需在按下WIN + X之后出现的菜单中选择Command Prompt,或者右键单击Start按钮。
您现在可以在Windows 10中执行任何您想要运行的命令。
3、按下 WIN + X 之后出现的菜单中选择 Command Prompt,或者右键单击Start按钮,如图3
5、从应用程序列表中找到Windows PowerShell文件夹,推荐使用 Windows PowerShell,功能更丰富,如图5
git clone https://github.com/mdn/learning-area cd ./learning-area/ git pull
7、编辑 C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts 文件
# MDN learning-area learning-area.localhost www.learning-area.localhost
8、新增 C:/nginx-1.10.1/conf/vhosts/learning-area.conf 文件
## WWW ## server { listen 80; ## 监听 ipv4 上的 80 端口 # listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; ## 监听 ipv6 上的 80 端口 root E:/wwwroot/learning-area; index index.html; server_name www.learning-area.localhost; charset utf-8; autoindex on; access_log logs/www.learning-area.localhost.access.log; error_log logs/www.learning-area.localhost.error.log; # location ~* ^.+/.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|css|pdf|ppt|txt|bmp|rtf|js)$ { # access_log off; # expires max; # } client_max_body_size 128M; # There is a VirtualBox bug related to sendfile that can lead to # corrupted files, if not turned-off # sendfile off; location ~ //.(ht|svn|git) { deny all; } } ## MISC ## ### WWW Redirect ### server { listen 80; ## 监听 ipv4 上的 80 端口 # listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; ## 监听 ipv6 上的 80 端口 server_name learning-area.localhost; return 301 http://www.learning-area.localhost$request_uri; }
9、重新加载 Nginx,执行命令,如图7
./nginx -s reload
10、打开网址:http://www.learning-area.localhost/ ,在这里你会看到列出的目录的内容,如图8