优秀代码编辑器 EmEditor Professional 21.3.0 + x64 中文免费版

EmEditor 中文版 今天小编(www.dayanzai.me大眼仔旭给大家介绍一款简单好用的文本编辑器,它就是 EmEditor Professional 中文版。EmEditor Professional 中文版支持多种配置,自定义颜色、字体、工具栏、快捷键设置,可以调整行距,避免中文排列过于紧密,具有选择文本列块的功能(按ALT 键拖动鼠标),并允许无限撤消、重做,总之功能多多,使用方便,是替代记事本的最佳编辑器。

EmEditor Professional 中文版

EmEditor Professional 中文版

EmEditor Pro 中文版是日本的江村软件公司(Emurasoft)所开发的一款在 Windows 平台上运行的文字编辑程式。EmEditor以运作轻巧、敏捷而又功能强大、丰富著称,得到许多用户的好评。Windows内建的记事本程式由于功能太过单薄,所以有不少用户直接以 EmEditor Pro 取代。EmEditor Pro 的发行最早始于1997年,迄今仍在持续发展中。

EmEditor Pro 中文版的快速性源于其程序的构造和两个版本的核心程序。EmEditor 可以从多个程序构造进行启动,例如增加程序的属性设定窗口中等内容也不会影响程序操作的速度。同时核心程序由两个最优化的版本构成。它们是 Windows NT/2000/XP 的版本和 Windows 95/98/Me 的版本。公开的EmEditor虽然同时装有两个版本的程序,但在安装过程中安装程序自动检出操作系统的版本,只将最合适的版本复制到执行程序中。正因为向着最优化的努力,EmEditor 做到了尽可能地缩小核心程序的容量(256KB)。

文字处理软件的最基本的功能是文字处理,为了实现文字处理的最优化,EmEditor 也尽了努力,并实现了目标。对于文章的大小以及文字行数和列数没有限制。用 EmEditor 不管你的文章是否含有换行符,即使容量为几MB的文件也可以很快地打开编辑。和其它的许多文字处理软件不同,EmEditor 可以垂直或水平滚动窗口数百万行或数百万列。当然你也可以在1秒中内同时打开多个EmEditor 窗口,而且同时不影响内存的使用。文字处理的功能是EmEditor得以生存的理由,网页设计者用它来编辑 HTML 或者 Perl 程序文件,程序员用它来编辑源程序,很多人想使用轻便简单的记事本软件,此时 EmEditor 就会显得很有用处。

但是在追求轻便快速的同时,又要满足用户各种不同的需求,就会有腹背受敌的感觉。此时 EmEditor 采取的办法是插件(plug-in)的导入。以此实现免费功能的扩张功能。通过简洁轻便的插件的使用,几乎可以实现所有的特殊功能。例如拼写检查功能也可以通过插件的导入来实现。

EmEditor Pro 强大的查找功能
Windows 系统自带的“记事本”的查找替换功能很弱,但 EmEditor 弥补了这一点,它支持的查找替换规则更加详细实用,对查找出的结果可以突出显示,并可以批量查找替换未打开的 TXT、HTML、DOC 等格式的文件中的内容:选择“搜索”菜单下的“在文件中查找”或“在文件中替换”命令,打开查相应对话框(如图1),输入自己想要替换的内容即可。

EmEditor Pro 编写程序更轻松
EmEditor Pro 给学习网页及程序设计的朋友提供了许多贴心的功能,它可以为 HTML、CSS、PHP、ASP、Perl、PerlScript、C#、C/C++、Java、JavaScript 等语言提供一些基本框架,并能将特殊的语句突出显示,让人一目了然,这为编程人员免去了不少工作,也可以为编程初学者提供一些帮助。

EmEditor Pro 的强大还表它提供强大的自定义功能,可以在“工具”菜单设置文件关联、自定义菜单和工具栏、管理常用工具和插件等(如图2),点击“工具/自定义”可以打开自定义窗口(如图2),这里提供了众多选项,我们能够通过设置让 EmEditor 更加符合自己的使用习惯。

此外,宏功能也是 EmEditor 一大亮点,比如需要书写相同的签名信息时,就可以在 EmEditor 中先录制一个签名信息的录入过程的宏,点击菜单栏中的“宏/开始停止录制”皆可开始录制,进行完录制动作后,点击同一按钮即可完成录制。当需要调用签名时,点击工具栏上的运行宏按钮便可以轻松完成。

EmEditor 在许多细节上也非常人性化,比如 Word 中方便的拖曳操作被保留了下来,这样在进行文字编辑的时候就再也不用反复的“剪切”和“粘贴”了,轻轻一拖就能搞定。对于编辑好的文字还可进行打印预览,这能方便我们排版打印文本。同时它有丰富的实用工具栏,并能根据自己的需要进行定制,我们只要把常用的工具放在工具栏上,操作就会更加简便。流行的浏览器一样,EmEditor 也支持标签浏览,你可以在同一个 EmEditor 中打开多个标签页,切换起来非常方便。

EmEditor Pro 使用插件更精彩
同TC和firefox一样,EmEditor 的插件非常丰富,插件安装后都可以“Tools/Plug-ins”进行快速调用。这里,笔者向朋友们推荐几个比较实用的插件:MnzkOpenFolder:安装后可以在 EmEditor 调用资源管理器直接打开某个文件夹,但前提是必须对这些文件夹进行注册,注册的方法是打开“Tools/Plug-ins/Customize Plug-ins”对话框,对 MnzkOpenFolder 插件的属性进行设置就可以了。




What’s new in Portable EmEditor Professional 21.3.0
November 25, 2021
This new version supports very large files in the Free version as well as the Professional version. I believe this will benefit many students at school and home, who need free text editors supporting very large files. What I mean by “very large file support” is the ability to open very large files without loading all contents into the memory. EmEditor will read a file directly from the disk if the file size is larger than 300 MB by default. For a long time, the file loading has been optimized for speed by using multithreaded code using SIMD instruction sets. In other words, EmEditor Free opens very large files as fast as EmEditor Professional. Even though EmEditor Free supports very large files, the Large File Controller is available only on EmEditor Professional. Please see EmEditor Free for the updated comparison table.
The main feature of v21.3 is a new date/time support in Number Range expressions. The feature was requested by several customers including this question. For example, when you analyze server logs or sales reports containing dates/times, you often want to focus on a certain date/time range, and the new feature becomes useful in these situations. You could use regular expressions to search for a certain date range, but regular expressions often become complicated and slow. Thus, I’ve decided to support date ranges in existing Number Range expressions. When I developed this new feature, I wanted to make sure it would be optimized for speed. I also understand that you want to take full control over which date format you would want to match. Therefore, the date expression allows you to specify a date/time format surrounded by double quotation marks
You may also use month names such as “January” or “Jan” by using “MMMM” or “MMM”, respectively, or use 24-hour time format: “HH:mm” or “HH:mm:ss”.
The new date range feature is available both in EmEditor Free and in EmEditor Professional.
Other new features include the ability to split a window into 3 panes! This feature has been requested for a long time. To split a window into 3 panes vertically or horizontally, select Split Vertically or Split Horizontally on the Window menu twice. This new feature is included in EmEditor Free and EmEditor Professional.
A customer wanted to move the current cell selection to the right when you press the ENTER key while in the CSV Cell Selection mode in EmEditor Professional. Previously, EmEditor can only set the focus into the Cell toolbar when you press ENTER. The new version allows the ENTER key customization, and introduces 4 new commands including the Next Cell (Cell Selection Mode Only) command. Thus, you can assign the ENTER key as the Next Cell (Cell Selection Mode Only) command.
A customer requested the ability to change the font size used in dialog boxes. While it is not easy to change the font name, it is relatively easy to change the font size. So, the new version allows you to change the font size in the Window page of the Customize dialog box. Another customer using the Chinese UI requested the ability to change the font face name. EmEditor’s dialog boxes use MS Shell Dlg, which is automatically substituted with an appropriate system font in each language of Windows. The font substitutes are defined in the Registry key: ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionFontSubstitutes. The issue is that this substitution table is old. I’ve learned that the old SimSun font was used in Simplified Chinese Windows by default, but it isn’t easy to read. While modern fonts like Microsoft YaHei are used in Windows and even recommended by Microsoft, the font substitution table still points to the old font, which is not updated even now. I thought that Microsoft forgot to update the font substitution table, but maybe they worry about compatibility issues with older apps, so they intentionally didn’t update it. We have decided to hard-code Microsoft YaHei for Simplified Chinese, and Microsoft JhengHei for Traditional Chinese. We have not changed the other language UI yet but will test the other languages in beta versions for the next version. We will use Meiryo UI for Japanese, Malgun Gothic for Korean, and Segoe UI for other languages. We will release beta versions soon, so please try the new beta versions with the new dialog boxes when they become available, and let us know if you like the new look and feel.
Latest updates of Windows 11 include bug fixes that I have previously mentioned. I have tested EmEditor on Windows 11 thoroughly, and I don’t see any issues with EmEditor on Windows 11 anymore except that some plug-in dialog boxes don’t look good on the Very Dark mode. The dark mode is still undocumented for desktop apps, and I am still looking into the issue. Unless you use the Very Dark option of EmEditor, there are no issues with EmEditor on Windows 11.
Finally, I hope you like EmEditor, whether you use the Professional or Free version. Please contact us or write in forums if you have any questions, feature requests, or any ideas in the future. I also welcome you to write a review by selecting the Write a Review command on the Help menu, because I read them periodically. (You might need to download the Store App version before you are able to write a review.)



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