网络封包分析工具 Wireshark 3.6.0 + x64 中文多语免费版

Wireshark 抓包分析工具大眼仔旭(发布。Wireshark(前称 Ethereal)是一个软件开发人员经常用到的网络封包分析软件。Wireshark 中文版网络封包分析软件的功能是撷取网络封包,并尽可能显示出最为详细的网络封包资料。当然网站上也有其它的网络抓包工具也非常好用,比如 Fiddler 汉化版等等。

什么是 Wireshark?

Wireshark® 是一种网络协议分析器。 它使您可以捕获并以交互方式浏览计算机网络上运行的流量。 它拥有丰富而强大的功能集,是世界上最受欢迎的同类工具。 它可以在大多数计算平台上运行,包括 Windows、macOS、Linux 和 UNIX。 世界各地的网络专业人员、安全专家、开发人员和教育工作者经常使用它。

网络封包分析工具 Wireshark Portable 中文多语特别版

网络封包分析工具 Wireshark Portable 中文多语特别版

Wireshark 中文便携版使用 WinPCAP 作为接口,直接与网卡进行数据报文交换。网络封包分析软件的功能可想像成 “电工技师使用电表来量测电流、电压、电阻” 的工作 – 只是将场景移植到网络上,并将电线替换成网络线。

在过去,网络封包分析软件 Wireshark 非常昂贵,或是专门属于营利用的软件。Ethereal 的出现改变了这一切。在 GNUGPL 通用许可证的保障范围底下,使用者可以以免费的代价取得软件与其源代码,并拥有针对其源代码修改及客制化的权利。Ethereal 是目前全世界最广泛的网络封包分析软件之一。

Wireshark 中文版是世界上最流行的网络分析工具。这个强大的工具可以捕捉网络中的数据,并为用户提供关于网络和上层协议的各种信息。与很多其他网络工具一样,Wireshark 也使用 pcap network library 来进行封包捕捉。可免费局域网内QQ、邮箱、msn、账号等的密码!

Wireshark 中文版的原名是 Ethereal,新名字是 2006 年起用的。当时 Ethereal 的主要开发者决定离开他原来供职的公司,并继续开发这个软件。但由于 Ethereal 这个名称的使用权已经被原来那个公司注册,Wireshark 这个新名字也就应运而生了。

在成功运行 Wireshark 之后,我们就可以进入下一步,更进一步了解这个强大的工具。

Wireshark 使用目的

网络管理员使用 Wireshark 来检测网络问题,网络安全工程师使用 Wireshark 来检查资讯安全相关问题,开发者使用 Wireshark 来为新的通讯协定除错,普通使用者使用 Wireshark 来学习网络协定的相关知识。当然,有的人也会“居心叵测”的用它来寻找一些敏感信息……

Wireshark 不是入侵侦测系统(Intrusion Detection System,IDS)。对于网络上的异常流量行为,Wireshark 不会产生警示或是任何提示。然而,仔细分析 Wireshark 撷取的封包能够帮助使用者对于网络行为有更清楚的了解。Wireshark 不会对网络封包产生内容的修改,它只会反映出目前流通的封包资讯。 Wireshark本身也不会送出封包至网络上。

Wireshark 是否适用于旧版本的 Windows,例如 Windows 7?

Wireshark 的每个主要版本分支都支持在该分支的“.0”版本发布时其产品生命周期内的 Windows 版本。 例如,Wireshark 3.2.0 于 2019 年 12 月发布,就在 Windows 7 于 2020 年 1 月终止其扩展支持之前不久。因此,即使在 2020 年 1 月之后,Wireshark 3.2.x 的每个版本都支持 Windows 7。请参见 有关更多详细信息,请参阅用户指南的 Microsoft Windows 部分和发布生命周期 wiki 页面的生命周期结束计划部分。

Npcap 在 Windows 8 及更早版本上可能无法正常工作,因此您可能需要安装 WinPcap。

Wireshark 许可证

它作为开源免费提供,并在 GNU 通用公共许可证第 2 版下发布。Wireshark 是“自由软件”; 您可以下载它而无需支付任何许可费。 您下载的 Wireshark 版本不是“演示”版本,“完整”版本中没有这些限制; 这是完整版。

Wireshark 所依据的许可证是 GNU 通用公共许可证版本 2。有关更多信息,请参阅 GNU GPL 常见问题解答。

我可以将 Wireshark 用作我的商业产品的一部分吗?

如前所述,Wireshark 根据 GNU 通用公共许可证第 2 版获得许可。 GPL 对您在自己的产品中使用 GPL 代码提出了条件;例如,您不能通过修改从 Wireshark 制作“衍生作品”,然后出售由此产生的衍生作品,并且不允许接收者赠送产生的作品。您还必须使您对 Wireshark 源所做的更改可供修改版本的所有收件人使用;这些更改也必须根据 GPL 的条款获得许可。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 GPL 常见问题解答;特别是,请注意关于修改 GPL 程序并将其商业销售的问题的答案,以及关于将 GPL 代码与其他代码链接以制作专有程序的问题的答案。

您可以将 GPL 程序(例如 Wireshark)与商业程序结合起来,只要它们按照 GPL 常见问题中的这一项目“保持距离”即可。

我们建议将 Wireshark 和您的产品完全分开,通过套接字或管道进行通信。如果您将 Wireshark 的任何部分作为 DLL 加载,您可能做错了。


What’s new in Wireshark 3.6.0
November 23, 2021
New and Updated Features:
The following features are new (or have been significantly updated) since version 3.6.0rc3:
The macOS Intel packages now ship with Qt 5.15.3 and require macOS 10.13 or later.
The following features are new (or have been significantly updated) since version 3.6.0rc2:
Display filter set elements must now be comma-separated. See below for more details.
The following features are new (or have been significantly updated) since version 3.6.0rc1:
The display filter expression “a != b” now has the same meaning as “!(a == b)”.
The following features are new (or have been significantly updated) since version 3.4.0:
Several changes have been made to the display filter syntax:
The expression “a != b” now always has the same meaning as “!(a == b)”. In particular this means filter expressions with multi-value fields like “ip.addr !=” will work as expected (the result is the same as typing “ip.src != and ip.dst !=”). This avoids the contradiction (a == b and a != b) being true.
It is possible to use the syntax “a ~= b” or “a any_ne b” to recover the previous (inconsistent with “==”) logic for not equal.
Literal strings can now be specified using raw string syntax, identical to raw strings in the Python programming language. This can be used to avoid the complexity of using two levels of character escapes with regular expressions.
Set elements must now be separated using a comma. A filter such as http.request.method in {“GET” “HEAD”} must be written as … in {“GET”, “HEAD”}. Whitespace is not significant. The previous use of whitespace as separator is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Support for the syntax “a not in b” with the same meaning as “not a in b” has been added.
Packaging updates:
A macOS Arm 64 (Apple Silicon) package is now available.
The macOS Intel packages now ship with Qt 5.15.3 and require macOS 10.13 or later.
The Windows installers now ship with Npcap 1.55.
A 64-bit Windows PortableApps package is now available.
TCP conversations now support a completeness criteria, which facilitates the identification of TCP streams having any of opening or closing handshakes, a payload, in any combination. It can be accessed with the new tcp.completeness filter.
Protobuf fields that are not serialized on the wire or otherwise missing in capture files can now be displayed with default values by setting the new “add_default_value” preference. The default values might be explicitly declared in “proto2” files, or false for bools, first value for enums, zero for numeric types.
Wireshark now supports reading Event Tracing for Windows (ETW). A new extcap named ETW reader is created that now can open an etl file, convert all events in the file to DLT_ETW packets and write to a specified FIFO destination. Also, a new packet_etw dissector is created to dissect DLT_ETW packets so Wireshark can display the DLT_ETW packet header, its message and packet_etw dissector calls packet_mbim sub_dissector if its provider matches the MBIM provider GUID.
“Follow DCCP stream” feature to filter for and extract the contents of DCCP streams.
Wireshark now supports dissecting RTP packets with OPUS payloads.
Importing captures from text files based on regular expressions is now possible. By specifying a regex capturing a single packet including capturing groups for relevant fields a textfile can be converted to a libpcap capture file. Supported data encodings are plain-hexadecimal, -octal, -binary and base64. Also the timestamp format now allows the second-fractions to be placed anywhere in the timestamp and it will be stored with nanosecond instead of microsecond precision.
The RTP Player has been significatnly redesigned and improved. See Playing VoIP Calls and RTP Player Window in the User’s Guide for more details.
The RTP Player can play many streams in row.
The UI is more responsive.
The RTP Player maintains playlist and other tools can add and remove streams to and from it.
Every stream can be muted or routed to the left or right channel for replay.
The option to save audio has been moved from the RTP Analysis dialog to the RTP Player. The RTP Player also saves what was played, and it can save in multichannel .au or .wav.
The RTP Player is now accessible from the Telephony › RTP › RTP Player menu.
The VoIP dialogs (VoIP Calls, RTP Streams, RTP Analysis, RTP Player, SIP Flows) are non-modal and can stay opened on background.
The same tools are provided across all dialogs (Prepare Filter, Analyse, RTP Player …)
The “Follow Stream” dialog is now able to follow SIP calls based on their Call-ID value.
The “Follow Stream” dialog’s YAML output format has been updated to add timestamps and peers information For more details see Following Protocol Streams in the User’s Guide.
IP fragments between public IPv4 addresses are now reassembled even if they have different VLAN IDs. Reassembly of IP fragments where one endpoint is a private (RFC 1918 section 3) or link-local (RFC 3927) IPv4 address continues to take the VLAN ID into account, as those addresses can be reused. To revert to the previous behavior and not reassemble fragments with different VLAN IDs, turn on the “Enable stricter conversation tracking heuristics” top level protocol preference.
USB Link Layer reassembly has been added, which allows hardware captures to be analyzed at the same level as software captures.
TShark can now export TLS session keys with the –export-tls-session-keys option.
Wireshark participated in the Google Season of Docs 2020 and the User’s Guide has been extensively updated.
The “RTP Stream Analysis” dialog CSV export format was slightly changed. The first line of the export contains column titles as in other CSV exports.
Wireshark now supports the Turkish language.
The settings in the “Import from Hex Dump” dialog is now stored in a profile import_hexdump.json file.
Analyze › Reload Lua Plugins has been improved to properly support FileHandler.
The “RTP Stream Analysis” and “IAX2 Stream Analysis” dialogs now show correct calculation mean jitter calculations.
RTP streams are now created based on Skinny protocol messages in addition to other types of messages.
The “VoIP Calls Flow Sequence” window shows more information about various Skinny messages.
Initial support for building Wireshark on Windows using GCC and MinGW-w64 has been added. See README.msys2 in the sources for more information.
New File Format Decoding Support:
Vector Informatik Binary Log File (BLF)
New Protocol Support:
5G Lawful Interception (5GLI), Bluetooth Link Manager Protocol (BT LMP), Bundle Protocol version 7 (BPv7), Bundle Protocol version 7 Security (BPSec), CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE), E2 Application Protocol (E2AP), Event Tracing for Windows (ETW), EXtreme extra Eth Header (EXEH), High-Performance Connectivity Tracer (HiPerConTracer), ISO 10681, Kerberos SPAKE, Linux psample protocol, Local Interconnect Network (LIN), Microsoft Task Scheduler Service, O-RAN E2AP, O-RAN fronthaul UC-plane (O-RAN), Opus Interactive Audio Codec (OPUS), PDU Transport Protocol, R09.x (R09), RDP Dynamic Channel Protocol (DRDYNVC), RDP Graphic pipeline channel Protocol (EGFX), RDP Multi-transport (RDPMT), Real-Time Publish-Subscribe Virtual Transport (RTPS-VT), Real-Time Publish-Subscribe Wire Protocol (processed) (RTPS-PROC), Shared Memory Communications (SMC), Signal PDU, SparkplugB, State Synchronization Protocol (SSyncP), Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), TP-Link Smart Home Protocol, UAVCAN DSDL, UAVCAN/CAN, UDP Remote Desktop Protocol (RDPUDP), Van Jacobson PPP compression (VJC), World of Warcraft World (WOWW), and X2 xIRI payload (xIRI)
Updated Protocol Support:
Too many protocols have been updated to list here.
New and Updated Capture File Support:
Vector Informatik Binary Log File (BLF)



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