PostgreSQL 9.4 Released!
18th December 2014
The PostgreSQL Global Development Group is pleased to announce the availability of PostgreSQL 9.4!
This release includes highly performant native JSON support, a new API for reading and manipulating the PostgreSQL replication stream, numerous performance improvements, and much more.
发行说明详见: PostgreSQL 9.4 Increases Flexibility, Scalability and Performance
PostgreSQL 9.4 新特性
9.4 新特性包括 jsonb, 逻辑复制 ( logical decoding ) , Replication slots, delayed standbys 等,详见:PostgreSQL9.4:新特性汇总
2014 PostgreSQL 杭州交流
2014 PostgreSQL 杭州交流小聚分享的话题
PostgreSQL9.4 新特性分享.pptx