Collections.UserString in PythonStrings are the bytes that represent Unicode characters. Characters are strings that are of length one. The problem is that Python doesn’t support this data type character. Example: Output String with the use of Single Quotes: JavaTpoint is the best platform to learn Python String with the use of Double Quotes: JavaTpoint is the best platform to learn Python Collections.UserStringPython provides a String as a container, referred to as UserString, included in the collection module. This class functions as an additional class that wraps around string objects. This class is helpful in the case of creating strings of their own that have been modified or even with new features. It is an option to create new features to the string. This class can be used to take any argument that could be converted into strings and create a simulation of an unstructured string with its contents stored in a regular string. The string can be accessed via its data attribute. Syntax: The syntax for UserString is: Example 1: (User dictionary with value and empty) Output UserString 1: 123546 UserString : Example 2: Mutable String (Append function and Remove function) Output The Original String: JavaTpoint String After Appending: JavaTpointing String after Removing: JvTpointing ConclusionIn this tutorial, we have discussed how to use UserString function of “collections” module in Python. |