Python MatrixIn this article, we will introduce the Matrix with Python. We will implement each operation of matrix using the Python code. IntroductionA matrix is a rectangular 2-dimensional array which stores the data in rows and columns. The matrix can store any data type such as number, strings, expressions, etc. We must be familiar with the basic concepts of matrix before using it. The data is arranged in horizontal called rows, and vertical arrangements are columns. The number of elements inside a matrix is (R) X (C), where R is rows and C, columns. Python doesn’t have a built-in type for matrices so that we will use the multiple lists as matrices. We will learn the following operations which are applied to the matrices.
Working of MatricesThe below matrix is 2×2, which means it has two rows and two columns. Creating a Matrix in PythonWe can create matrix in Python using the nested list. All elements are enclosed with the square brackets ([]) and separated by the comma. Let’s see the following examples.
Read the Matrix DataIn the following example, we will read each row of the defined matrix. Example – Output: Read the Last Element from each rowIn the following example, we will read the last element of the each row using the Python program. Example – Output: 74 130 471 Explanation – In the above code, we have created a matrix, and we get the length of the matrix. We iterated each row using for loop and printed the result. We can read any row or column using the above method. Let’s understand the following operation of the matrix. Adding two MatricesWe will add the two matrices and using the nested for loop through the given matrices. Example – Output: The sum of Matrix M1 and M2 = [[17, 29, 38], [20, 22, -1], [4, 6, 28]] Explanation –
Multiplication of Two MatricesMultiplication of the two matrices is the same as the above code, and only we need to change the operator + to *. Let’s understand the following example. Example – Output: The sum of Matrix mat1 and mat2 = [[70, 208, -264], [99, 40, -12], [-5, 9, 27]] Transpose of MatrixA transpose is an operation where the given matrix’s row is converted into a column and vice-versa. Let’s understand the following example. Example – Output: [12, 4, 3] [7, 5, 8] Explanation In the above code, we have two for loop to iterate through each row and each column. As we can see that in above output, we assigned the mat1[i][j] and res[j][k]. Transpose Matrix Using List ComprehensionWe can use the list comprehension to transpose a matrix with one line of code. Let’s understand the following example. Example – Output: [12, 4, 3] [7, 5, 8] The output is the same as above. The list comprehension reduced the lines of code and transposed the matrix. Take Matrix Input from the UserWe have discussed the pre-defined matrices so far. But what if user wants to enter their data. So we are defining the following example of a user-defined matrix. Example – Output: Enter the number of rows:3 Enter the number of columns:3 Enter the entries row wise: 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 3 1 Explanation – In the above code, we have taken the input from the user to enter number of rows and columns. We have entered the 3 rows and 3 columns; it means the matrix will have 9 elements. In for loop, the elements are inserted to the empty matrix using the append () function. The second for is loop used to print input data in the matrix format. Using the Numpy and map() function Python provides the external library Numpy. It is used for scientific computation; we will learn Numpy with matrix in below section. We will use it for the user input matrix. Example – Creating Matrix Using Numpy LibraryThe Numpy library helps us to work with the array. To work with the Numpy, we need to install the Numpy using the following command. After a successful installation, we have to import it into our program. Let’s understand the following example. Example – Output: The matrix is: [[10 -5 15] [30 -6 91] [ 2 8 7]] Matrix Operation Using NumpyWe can perform all matrix operation using the numpy.array() such as addition, subtraction, transpose, slicing the matrix, etc. Matrix AdditionWe will create two matrices using the numpy.array() function and add them using the + operator. Let’s understand the following example. Example – Output: The matrix addition is: [[ 16 -10 36] [ 14 21 50] [ 28 -16 60]] Matrix MultiplicationWe will use the method to multiply both matrices. It is a dot multiplication of the matrix mat1 and mat2 and handles the 2D array and performs multiplication. Let’s understand the following example. Example – Output: The matrix is: [[ 78 128] [125 215]] Slicing of a MatrixWe can slice the matrix’s element as we do in the Python standard list. Slicing returns the element based on the start/end index. We can also the negative slicing. The syntax is given below. Syntax – The arr represents the matrix name. By default the start index is 0, for example – [:3], it means start index is 0. If we do not provide the value to end, it will consider the length of the array. We can pass negative index values to both start and end. In the following example, we will apply slicing in normal array to understand how slicing works. Example – Output: [61 14 25] [10 40 61 14] [14 25 12 97] Now, we will implement slicing on matrix. To perform the slicing on matrix, follow the below syntax. Mat1[row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end] In the above syntax –
We will perform slicing in the below matrix. The above matrix consists of four rows. The 0th raw has [4, 10, 60, 18, 20], 1st row has [35, 16, 19, -12, 41] and so on. It has five columns. Let’s understand the following example. Example – Output: [[ 16 19 -12] [ 80 42 24]] Explanation In the above example, we have printed the first and second rows, and we sliced the first, second, and third columns. According to the slicing syntax, we can get any rows and columns. Example – Print first row and all columnsOutput: [ 4 10 60 18 20]] Example – Print rows of the matrixOutput: [14 60 29] [ 35 -10 13] [ 4 8 12] ConclusionWe have discussed basic matrix using Python so far. We have learned to create matrix using a different approaches. Python matrix is a specialized two-dimensional rectangular list of data. The matrix can consist of a number, strings, expression, symbols, etc. Python doesn’t provide a direct way to implement the matrix data type. We can create the matrix using the nested list and Numpy library. |