在获取BOM子件中进行增强:函数 GET_STPO 行 311 增加隐式增强点 ZIMP_BADI_MRP_BOM_HIERARCHY
1 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 2 *& Include ZMMI0003_MRP_BOM_HIERARCHY 3 *& 4 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 5 *& Program Name: MRP运行-BOM层级子件 6 *& Date written: 2018-10-29 7 *& Author's name: *** 8 *& Business design:*** 9 *& Last update: 2018-10-29 10 *& Project Name: ***ERP项目 11 *& Version: V1.0 12 *& Modify History: 13 *& Sketch: MRP运行-BOM层级子件 14 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 15 *& Variables: 变量 16 *& MDPSN 采购申请明细 17 *& MDPSX 订单需求明细(计划订单/生产订单/销售订单/采购订单) 18 *& MDNBX 订单需求每日汇总 19 *& CM61X WERKS/PLMOD/BANER/DISER/LIFKZ/TRMPL 20 *& CM61D MATNR/WERKS 21 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 22 *& 逻辑: 23 *& 1.获取工厂,判断配置信息 24 *& 2.获取BOM第一层级总成件是否含子件信息, 25 *& 3.判断总成件是否为委外件(查询ZTMM0010_MAT_INF 字段MAKEBUYINDICATOR=CSMT-A) 26 *& 4.若为委外总成件,则将总成下子件运行MRP 27 *& 5.子件需求日期 = MRP结果中总成件需求日期 - 总成件收货处理时间 - 子件加工时间(可配置); 28 *& 6.子件的交货日期 = 子件的需求日期 - 子件收货处理时间 29 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 30 constants: 31 lc_check type c value 'X', 32 lc_stlty type stpo-stlty value 'M', 33 lc_stlan type mast-stlan value '1', 34 lc_stlal type mast-stlal value '01', 35 lc_postp type stpo-postp value 'L', 36 lc_makebuyindicator type string value 'CSMT-A', 37 lc_capid type tc04-capid value 'PP01', 38 lc_beskz_f type string value 'F', 39 lc_mtart_zycl type string value 'ZYCL'. 40 data: 41 lv_werks like marc-werks, 42 lv_posnr type stpob-posnr, 43 lv_index type cszalt-index, 44 lv_i_matnr type csap_mbom-matnr, 45 lv_i_plant type csap_mbom-werks, 46 lv_i_usage type csap_mbom-stlan, 47 lv_i_alter type csap_mbom-stlal, 48 lv_i_datuv type datuv_bi, 49 lv_i_datub type datub_bi. 50 data: 51 ls_mrp like ztmm0093_mrp_wrk, 52 ls_wa type line of cs01_stpob_tab, 53 ls_matinf like ztmm0010_mat_inf, 54 ls_i_stpo type stpo_api02. 55 data: 56 lt_wa like table of stpob, 57 lt_addwa type table of cszalt, 58 lt_stb type table of stpo, 59 lt_e_stpo type table of stpo_api02. 60 field-symbols: 61 <fs_stpo> like stpo, 62 <fs_estpo> like stpo_api02, 63 <fs_cwa> like stpob, 64 <fs_cadd> like cszalt, 65 <fs_wa> like stpob, 66 <fs_addwa> like cszalt. 67 68 read table wa into ls_wa index 1. 69 70 "获取工厂 71 select single wrkan 72 into lv_werks 73 from stko 74 where stlnr = ls_wa-stlnr 75 and stlty = ls_wa-stlty. 76 77 select single * 78 into ls_mrp 79 from ztmm0093_mrp_wrk 80 where werks = lv_werks 81 and fg_bomlevel = lc_check. 82 if sy-subrc = 0 and ls_mrp-vl_tcode cs sy-tcode. 83 if ls_mrp-fg_exitdg = lc_check. 84 break-point. 85 endif. 86 87 loop at wa assigning <fs_wa>. 88 clear:lt_stb,ls_matinf. 89 "判断是否委外总成件 90 select single 91 max( datum ) as datum 92 max( uzeit ) as uzeit 93 makebuyindicator 94 into corresponding fields of ls_matinf 95 from ztmm0010_mat_inf 96 where partbase = <fs_wa>-idnrk 97 group by makebuyindicator. 98 if ls_matinf-makebuyindicator = lc_makebuyindicator. 99 * "获取总成件BOM子件 100 * "BOM执行函数涉及嵌套问题,CK11N成本核算报错 101 * call function 'CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2' 102 * exporting 103 * capid = lc_capid "PP01生产用途 104 * datuv = sy-datum 105 * ehndl = '1' 106 * emeng = <fs_wa>-menge 107 * mktls = 'X' 108 * mehrs = '' "分解多层BOM 109 * mmory = '1' 110 * mtnrv = <fs_wa>-idnrk 111 * stlan = '1' "BOM用途 112 * stpst = 0 113 * svwvo = 'X' 114 * werks = lv_werks 115 * tables 116 * stb = lt_stb 117 * exceptions 118 * alt_not_found = 1 119 * call_invalid = 2 120 * material_not_found = 3 121 * missing_authorization = 4 122 * no_bom_found = 5 123 * no_plant_data = 6 124 * no_suitable_bom_found = 7 125 * conversion_error = 8 126 * others = 9. 127 128 clear:ls_i_stpo,lv_i_matnr,lv_i_plant,lv_i_usage,lv_i_alter,lv_i_datuv,lv_i_datub. 129 clear:lt_e_stpo,lt_e_stpo[]. 130 131 lv_i_matnr = <fs_wa>-idnrk. 132 lv_i_plant = lv_werks. 133 lv_i_usage = lc_stlan. 134 "lv_i_alter = alter. 135 lv_i_datuv = datuv. 136 lv_i_datub = datub. 137 138 "获取总成件BOM清单 139 call function 'CSAP_MAT_BOM_ITEM_SELECT' 140 exporting 141 i_stpo = ls_i_stpo 142 material = lv_i_matnr 143 plant = lv_i_plant 144 bom_usage = lv_i_usage 145 alternative = lv_i_alter 146 fl_material_check = lc_check 147 fl_foreign_key_check = lc_check 148 valid_from = lv_i_datuv 149 valid_to = lv_i_datub 150 tables 151 t_stpo = lt_e_stpo 152 exceptions 153 error = 1 154 others = 2 . 155 if sy-subrc <> 0. 156 * Implement suitable error handling here 157 else. 158 loop at lt_e_stpo assigning <fs_estpo>. 159 call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' 160 exporting 161 input = <fs_estpo>-component 162 importing 163 output = <fs_estpo>-component. 164 endloop. 165 endif. 166 167 select * 168 into corresponding fields of table lt_stb 169 from mast as a inner join stpo as b 170 on a~stlnr = b~stlnr 171 where a~stlan = lc_stlan 172 and a~stlal = lc_stlal 173 and a~werks = lv_werks 174 and a~matnr = <fs_wa>-idnrk 175 and b~stlty = lc_stlty 176 and b~lkenz = space 177 and b~datuv <= sy-datum 178 and b~postp = lc_postp. 179 180 loop at lt_stb assigning <fs_stpo>. 181 read table lt_e_stpo assigning <fs_estpo> 182 with key item_guid = <fs_stpo>-guidx. 183 if sy-subrc <> 0. 184 continue. 185 endif. 186 187 select single count(*) 188 from mara inner join marc 189 on mara~matnr = marc~matnr 190 where mara~matnr = <fs_stpo>-idnrk 191 and mara~mtart = lc_mtart_zycl 192 and marc~beskz = lc_beskz_f. 193 if sy-subrc = 0. 194 append initial line to lt_wa assigning <fs_cwa>. 195 move-corresponding <fs_wa> to <fs_cwa>. 196 <fs_cwa>-idnrk = <fs_stpo>-idnrk. 197 <fs_cwa>-menge = <fs_stpo>-menge. 198 <fs_cwa>-meins = <fs_stpo>-meins. 199 <fs_cwa>-posnr = space. 200 unassign <fs_cwa>. 201 202 read table add_wa assigning <fs_addwa> 203 with key stlkn = <fs_wa>-stlkn 204 stpoz = <fs_wa>-stpoz. 205 if sy-subrc = 0. 206 append initial line to lt_addwa assigning <fs_cadd>. 207 move-corresponding <fs_addwa> to <fs_cadd>. 208 <fs_cadd>-index = space. 209 unassign:<fs_addwa>,<fs_cadd>. 210 endif. 211 endif. 212 endloop. 213 endif. 214 endloop. 215 216 if lt_wa[] is not initial. 217 clear:lv_index,lv_posnr. 218 219 sort wa by posnr descending. 220 sort add_wa by index descending. 221 222 read table wa assigning <fs_wa> index 1. 223 if sy-subrc = 0. 224 lv_posnr = <fs_wa>-posnr. 225 endif. 226 227 read table add_wa assigning <fs_addwa> index 1. 228 if sy-subrc = 0. 229 lv_index = <fs_addwa>-index. 230 endif. 231 232 loop at lt_wa assigning <fs_cwa> 233 where posnr = space. 234 lv_posnr = lv_posnr + 10. 235 236 call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' 237 exporting 238 input = lv_posnr 239 importing 240 output = lv_posnr . 241 242 <fs_cwa>-posnr = lv_posnr. 243 endloop. 244 245 loop at lt_addwa assigning <fs_cadd> 246 where index = space. 247 lv_index = lv_index + 1. 248 <fs_cadd>-index = lv_index. 249 endloop. 250 251 append lines of lt_wa[] to wa[]. 252 append lines of lt_addwa[] to add_wa[]. 253 endif. 254 255 endif.
配置表ZTMM0093_MRP_WRK :工厂3302启用BOM层级子件运算,对应的事务码:MD41/MD42/CK11N
查看子件 TWL0825 需求清单MD04: