1、当语言区域为 en 时,当验证的参数不存在时,响应:The selected theme id is invalid.。如图1
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Validation failed for the field [onlineStoreThemeEditorSessionCreate].", "extensions": { "validation": { "themeId": [ "The selected theme id is invalid." ] }, "category": "validation" }, "locations": [ { "line": 2, "column": 3 } ], "path": [ "onlineStoreThemeEditorSessionCreate" ], "trace": ... } ], "data": { "onlineStoreThemeEditorSessionCreate": null } }
2、当语言区域为 zh_CN 时,当验证的参数不存在时,响应:所选的theme id无效。预期为:所选的主题ID无效。如图2
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Validation failed for the field [onlineStoreThemeEditorSessionCreate].", "extensions": { "validation": { "themeId": [ "所选的theme id无效。" ] }, "category": "validation" }, "locations": [ { "line": 2, "column": 3 } ], "path": [ "onlineStoreThemeEditorSessionCreate" ], "trace": ... } ], "data": { "onlineStoreThemeEditorSessionCreate": null } }
3、查看 GraphQL 代码实现,/Modules/ThemeStore/Resources/graphql/theme_editor.graphql
extend type Mutation { "创建主题编辑会话" onlineStoreThemeEditorSessionCreate(themeId: ID! @rules(apply: ["exists:theme_asset,theme_id"])): ThemeEditorSessionCreatePayload @field(resolver: "Modules//ThemeStore//Resolver//ThemeEditor//CreateThemeEditorSessionResolver") } type ThemeEditorSessionCreatePayload { "会话" session: Session! }
4、查看 语言文件 ,/Modules/ThemeStore/Resources/lang/zh_CN/validation.php,已经指定了 theme_id 的自定义属性名称,但是,并未生效
<?php return [ 'attributes' => [ 'theme_id' => '主题ID', ], ];
5、即使将此配置放至语言文件 /resources/lang/zh_CN/validation.php 中,仍然未生效,响应:所选的theme_id无效。但是,其默认是使用的此语言文件的配置。将验证规则消息放在任何语言的 validation.php 中名为 attributes 的键中,验证消息的 :attribute 部分不会被翻译(模块上下文)。
<?php return [ 'exists' => '所选的:attribute无效。', 'attributes' => [ 'theme_id' => '主题ID', ], ];
6、在 Laravel v8.7.90、nwidart/laravel-modules 8.2.0 中,编辑 /resources/lang/zh_CN/validation.php ,attributes 会生效。
/** * 显示创建博客文章的表单 * * @return Response */ public function create(Request $request) { $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'theme_id' => 'required|exists:users,id', ]); if ($validator->fails()) { dd($validator->errors()); } // 保存博客文章… return view('blog::post.create'); }
<?php return [ 'exists' => '所选的:attribute无效。resources', 'attributes' => [ 'theme_id' => '主题ID', ], ];
Illuminate/Support/MessageBag {#361 ▼ #messages: array:1 [▼ "theme_id" => array:1 [▼ 0 => "所选的主题ID无效。resources" ] ] #format: ":message" }
7、决定在当前版本:Laravel v6.20.43、nwidart/laravel-modules 7.3.0 中,模拟步骤6的实现。以确定是否与框架、模块包的版本有关,进而导致在应用的根目录中,attributes 不生效的问题。确定是无关的。那么原因在于 LightHouse 5。
<?php return [ 'array' => ':attribute必须是一个数组。', 'attributes' => [ 'filter' => '过滤器' ], ];
{ "message": "The given data was invalid.", "errors": { "filter": [ "过滤器必须是一个数组。" ] }, "status_code": 422, "debug": { "line": 385, "file": "E://wwwroot//wshop//platform//vendor//laravel//framework//src//Illuminate//Validation//Validator.php", "class": "Illuminate//Validation//ValidationException", "trace": ... } }
8、参考:https://github.com/nuwave/lighthouse/issues/1773 ,虽然已经在 @rules 指令上实现了翻译功能,但是实现得不够彻底。即验证属性未支持。开发者建议:https://lighthouse-php.com/master/security/validation.html#validator-classes 。支持通过任意 PHP 代码定义规则。